
出版时间:2007-1  出版社:科学  作者:P.K.Tam  页数:410  




Foreword(Originally in Chinese)Preface(for the English Translation edition)A Note from the TranslatorExplanation for the Special Notational DeviceChapter 0 Integers,Number Fields and PolynomialsPart 1 General Theory of Systems of Linear Equations IntroductionChapter 1 Algebra of MatricesChapter 2 The Determinant Method for a Special Class of Lin-ear Equations(Cramers Rule)Chapter 3 General Theory of Systems of Linear EquationsChapter 4 Linear Spaces and Systmes of Linear EquationsChapter 5 Symmetric Bilinear Metric Spaces and Systems of Linear EquationsPart 2 The Principal Axes Problem of Real Quadratic FormsChapter 6 Linear Transformations on Linear SpacesChapter 7 A Class of Direct Sum Decompositions of Linear Spaces Relative to Linear TransformationsChapter 8 Two Classes of Linear Transformations on Euclidean Spaces and the Principal Axes Problem of Quadr-atic FormsChapter 9 Further Development——Similarity Canonical Forms of MatricesBibliographyIndex



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