
出版时间:1970-1  出版社:科学出版社  作者:Jianfang Wang  页数:162  


In the past years,all Concepts in graphs were translated to hypergraphs,in special,the definition of cycles in hypergraphs is the same as in graphs.As extension oFgraphs,there are many results Oil trees,cycles,covering and coloring of hypergraphs.


Chapter 1  Basic TerminologiesChapter 2  Relational Databases  2.1  Operators and operands in relational algebra  2.2  Dependences in relations  2.3  Entropy  2.4  Conflict—free sets of MVDs  2.5  Consistency of databases  2.6  Monotone join expressionChapter 3  Some Classical ResultsChapter 4  Acyclic Hypergraphs  4.1  Characteristics of acyclic hypergraphs  4.2  Size of acyclic hypergraphs  4.3  Enumeration of acyclic hypergraphsChapter 5  Algorithms to Test Acyclicity of HypergraphsChapter 6  Characteristics of Cyclic HypergraphsChapter 7  Three ParametersChapter 8  Cycles of Hypergraphs  8.1  Cycle—axiom of hypergraphs  8.2  Cyclomatic numbers of hypergraphs  8.3  Extreme value of cyclomatic numbers of hypergraphs  8.4  On size ofunicycle hypergraphs  8.5  M5bius functionsChapter 9  Hamiltonian Cycles of HypergraphsChapter 10  Decompositions of Hypergraphs  10.1  Acyclic decompositions of hypergraphs  10.2  A structure decompositions for hypergraphsBibliographyAppendix




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