
出版时间:2009-4  出版社:科学出版社  作者:沈素萍 编  页数:210  


《实用商务英语综合教程》是“大学英语选修课系列教材”中的一本。本书针对已有一定英语基础的大学三、四年级本科生而编写,目的是在商务情景和背景下发展学生商务知识的同时,近一步培养学生的英语听、说、读、写语言知识的综合应用能力,以提高学生的英语交际表达能力。我们在编写过程中,力求精确把握课程定位,掌握区别于基础英语课程和商务专业课程的尺度。    本书是对外经济贸易大学编写组教师通过教学实践归纳、借鉴国外商务英语教材的特点编写而成,其中阎彬老师在总结策划全新的编写模式中做出了很大的贡献。首先,选材上主体突出。本书定位在一个比较宽泛的商务领域,选择与所有商务活动相关的管理学概念为基础,使学生通过学习相关案例来理解在开展商务活动中人文环境背景知识对商务交流活动的影响,同时还选择了由浅显的商务知识逐步深入到比较专业的会计知识、公司并购的法律知识以及涉及经济、金融领域方面的知识,以此来提高学生的商务知识水平。    其次,本书注重语言综合应用能力,强调语篇层面上的学习,避免过去过于侧重词汇和句子的做法,用不同形式的丰富多彩的练习来训练和提高学生的英语语言综合应用能力。每一单元都涉及一个与商务活动相关的主题,围绕这个主题进行延展,组织听、说、读、写的各项训练。听力训练主要是对话(电话、会议、谈判)和讲话(产品推介、公司介绍等),学生可以总结大意,选择填空或完形填空;口语训练包括讨论、角色扮演、案例分析;阅读注重趣味性和实用性,涵盖阅读图表、会计报告等;写作从简到难,从MEM0开始到图表分析到商务函电。


总序前言Unit One Human Resource ManagementUnit Two ManagementUnit Three StrategyUnit Four Corporate CultureUnit FiVe MarketingUnit Silo Corporate Social ResponsibilityUnit Seven Emotions in WorkplaceUnit Eight AdvertisingUnit Nine AccountingUnit Ten Merger and AcquisitionUnit EleVen International TradeUnit Twelve Financial PoliciesUnit Thirteen  EconomicsUnit Fourteen  Fmancial MarketsUnit Fifteen BankingKcep and Script to the Ezcercises


  Women and Entrepreneurship Introduction  A large number of women around the world have set up and managed their own businesses. It was not easy for these women to succeed in business. They had to face a lot of difficulties and overcome a number of barriers to become successful in their ventures. They had to deal with discrimination and withstand the skepticism of society, and also put in more effort than men to prove their credibility to others.  The entrepreneurial style adopted by women was different from that of men. Studies have revealed that women focus more on intuition and relationships for running businesses, while men emphasize logic and efficiency. The ability that women have to look beyond the obvious and identify hidden opportunities sometimes helped them gain an edge over men.  The entrepreneurial style of some of the successful women entrepreneurs of India are fea- tured in this case. All the women featured in this case came from different backgrounds and worked in different fields. Ekta Kapoor, the daughter of a successful film star, started her televi- sion software business at the age of 19 and became immensely successful by the time she was in her early 20s. Kiran Mazumdar Shaw had no educational qualifications for running a business. She did not even have an active interest in setting up a business. A chance meeting with the CEO of Biocon International, however, changed her career plans forever. She became Indias first lady biotechnology entrepreneur. These women were able to overcome social and educational con- straints to establish an extremely successful business model. By so doing, they set an example for other women.  Successful Women Entrepreneurs Ekta Kapoor  Ekta Kapoor was said to be the face and brain of Balaji Telefilms Limited (BTL), and was almost solely responsible for the phenomenal success of most of BTLs serials. In order to encour- age his daughter to go further in her career, Ekta Kapoors father set up BTL in 1994. BTLs first serial was telecast in 1995. The first major success came with Hun/Paanch (We Five), a comic sitcom about 5 girls and their harassed parents, which ran for 5 years on Zee TV. BTL came out with an initial public offer (IPO) in October 2000 to set up an integrated studio in Mumbai and to buy advanced equipment.  The initial years in the business were not very easy for Ekta Kapoor.I  There were times when she used to have 5 or 6 pilots ready but none of them would get approval from the channels. People did not take her seriously. Experienced writers would try to force her to accept sub-standard scripts as they thought she was the "brainless daughter of a moneyed father." She was able to overcome these barriers through sheer grit and determination. She worked relentlessly, even foregoing holidays, to make a mark for herself. Her time was completely occupied with thinking out stories, finalizing scripts, deciding on sets, costumes, casting, etc.  Her hard work and commitment eventually paid off, and by the early 2000s she had two highly successful serials. By the end of 2002, she had about 35 programming hours per week on television —— no mean task for a person in her late 20s.  She was a hands-on manager, closely involved with all aspects of the serials —— from the concept, to the script, the actors and the sets. She believed she had a knack for choosing the right faces for the right parts. Since she felt she understood audience preferences, she main- tained full control over the development of serials. She paid a lot of attention to detail and monitored all aspects of BTLs serials for the first few episodes. After she was convinced that her creative team could manage on its own, she eased off. However, she still kept track of the ratings and responses. If there was a crisis, like a fall in ratings, she stepped in again. Ekta was constantly on the look out for new ideas for serials and claimed to source most of her stories from real life situations or people.  On the human resources front, Ekta Kapoor seemed to be something of an autocrat. She yelled at her subordinates as she believed that if she did not shout, things would not get done. She was also completely indifferent to star status and expected all the actors in her serials to toe her line.  In 2001, Kapoor was selected by the Confederation of Indian Industries (CII), to head the committee on entertainment. She also received anumber of awards in the early 21 st century. The entrepreneurial style of Ekta Kapoor may smack of authoritarianism, but analysts felt her refusal to compromise on quality and her attention to detail contributed greatly to her success. Her perfec- tionism seemed to have helped make BTL one of the most powerful television software companies of the 2000s. Kiran Mazumdar Shaw  She is Indias first woman Brew Master and the founder director of the Biocon Group. She was on her way to join a brewery in Scotland when a chance meeting with the founder of Biocon Biochemicals (Ireland), Leslie Auchincloss, steered her into a career in business. She started Biocon India in 1978 in a joint venture with the Irish firm and successfully turned it into a very influential company in India.  Mazumdar is said to have the ability to see an opportunity much before others. However, she did not take hasty decisions. She started a business slowly, first testing the waters and expanding only when she was sure of its potential.  Mazumdar believed in encouraging an open and supportive culture at Biocon. The company had a flat organizational structure and anybody in the organization, from the gardeners to the presidents, had equal access to her. She said, "The moment you start building boundaries, you destroy open culture." She believed that motivation comes from empowerment, and consequently, she encouraged her employees to challenge themselves and solve their own problems.  In the initial years of the business, Mazumdar believed in employing more women than men in her company. But she realized that a large number of women eventually succumbed to societal or family pressures and stopped working. She therefore decided to recruit on the competency param- eter alone. The ratio of women to men in Biocon was 1.5:4 in 2002. A lot of key positions were occupied by women, but men were also well represented in the core team.  Biocon was very successful in retaining employees. Most of the core team had been there for 10 years or more. Nirupa Bareja, the head of human resources, said, "I cant think of working for another company. Its either Biocon or nowhere." Biocon created a culture in which employees could grow and develop. This helped the company attract and retain the best talent in the country. Under Mazumdars leadership, Biocon grew from a small business in the garage of her house to becoming the largest biotech company in India. She was able to achieve this by attracting and retaining the best talent in the country. She said that she was able to achieve this success because of her belief in the field, her magnificent team of people who shared her passion and her determination, and her desire to succeed.  Mazumdar wanted to make Biocon a global bio-therapeutics company which developed inno- vative and proprietary products and technologies. She believed that Biocon would achieve this position around 2005.


  《实用商务英语综合教程》特点:  把握大学英语教改精髓,倡导实用性英语教学  选材原汁原味、鲜亮活泼、与时俱进  追求语言基础与课程趣味的统一  多渠道、多角度、多层面,高效传递语言信息



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