
出版时间:2012-6  出版社:科学出版社  作者:Saurabh Prasad、Lori M.Bruce、Jocelyn Chanussot  页数:352  字数:502000  




Introduction Saurabh Prasad,Lori M. Bruce and Jocelyn ChanussotHyperspectral Data Compression Tradeotff Emmanuel ChristopheReconstructions from Compressive Random Projectionsof Hyperspectral Imagery James E Fowler and Qian DuIntegrated Sensing and Processing for Hyperspectral Imagery Robert Muise and Abhijit MahalanobisColor Science and Engineering for the Display of Remote Sensing Images Maya R Gupta and Nasiha HrustemovicAn Evaluation of Visualization Techniques for Remotely Sensed Hyperspectral Imagery Shangshu Cai,Robert Moorhead and Qian DuA Divide-and-Conquer Paradigm for Hyperspectral Classification and Target Recognition Saurabh Prasad and Lori M. BruceThe Evolution of the Morphological Profile: from Panchromatic to Hyperspectral Images Mauro Dalla Mura,Jon Atli Benediktsson,Jocelyn Chanussot and Lorenzo BruzzoneDecision Fusion of Mlultiple Classifiers for Vegetation Mlapping and Monitoring Applications by Means of Hyperspectral Data Karoly Livius Bakos,Prashanth Reddy Marpu and PaoloA Review of Kernel Methods in Remote Sensing Data Analysis Luis G髆ez-Chova,Jordi Mu駉z-Mar



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