
出版时间:2004-10  出版社:高等教育  作者:姜荷梅 编  页数:276  


  随着我国对外开放的不断深入和成功加入世贸组织(WTO),商业领域已成为我国发展迅速的产业之一,商业服务人员接触外籍消费者的机会越来越多。如何用英语礼貌得体地接待日益递增的外籍消费者,使他们获得愉快而满意的购物经历是当务之急,除了能用英语熟练地进行日常的商业会话外,还须具备与本行业相关的专业知识。因此,为了尽快提高商业服务人员和管理人员的英语口语水平,我们编著了这本《商业英语》(CommerCialEnglish)。本书以商业知识为基础,以日常商业交际英语会话为主线,以实用为目的,在着重发展口语能力的同时,兼顾听、读、写技能。  与其他同类书籍相比,本书具有以下特点:  1.新颖独特。全书取材新颖,文体活泼,语言富有时代气息,听说图文并茂,练习互动性和实用性强。会话形式把常用词汇和功能句型融入到实际真实的工作场景中,便于读者掌握在具体工作情景下正确运用语言的技能。  2.内容丰富。全书共有15单元。第1-8单元为商场英语,按语言的交际功能和实际工作的需要分为接待和导购、询问和挑选、尺寸和形状、颜色和款式、质量和性能、道歉与建议、问价与还价、外币兑换、结账与付款。第9-11单元除了商品比较、商品使用及保养外,还涉及售后服务內容,如售后担保、包装与送货、调换与退款等。第12单元则为现代无店铺购物形式。第13-15单元着重选择超市內部运作环节为背景的情景对话,市场营销、商场营运日常工作,后勤与采购、信息管理等。主要包括收银、商品采购和促销、商品分类、商场布局、库存分析、信息数据收集、填写和分析报表、部门职能和管理层工作等诸多环节。每单元都有丰富的范例,许多表达方式使读者拿来即可使用。




Unit 1Where Can I Get the Things on MyUnit 2Would You Like This Type?Unit 3What Size Do You Take,Sir?Unit 4How Do You Select?Unit 5Theyve Just Been Sold OutUnit 6Can You Make it Cheaper?Unit 7How Can I PayUnit 8Id Like to GET This Prescription FilleUnit 9We guarantee the computer for three yearsUnit 10Please Fill in the Delivery FormUnit 11I Want to Get My Money BackUnit 12Have You Ever Bought Anything on the InternetUnit 13Store MarketingUnit 14The Operation of a SupermarketUnit 15Information ManagementAppendix ⅠKey TapescriptsAppendixⅡSupplementary Vocabulary


  The Pacific Computer Mart in Tianhe,is at the heart of’high.tech development in Guangzhou.Tianhe iS a new urban district easily accessible from the city, and the Mart stands’aajacent to the main rail links: the Hong Kong Guangzhou throughTrain Terminal Tianhe Subway Station and Guangzhou Railway East Terminal,while being only 10 minutes’drive away from the up-and.coming financial centre.  The Mart is well known for itscustomer-friendly approach.If a consumer finds something he bought in the mart to be shoddv and fake,all he has to do iS to go to the Marts management with the warranty card that comes with the product.He does not have to bring his complaint to the shop that sold him the product.If the product iS indeed found to be below a minimal quality or a fakethe Marts management will ask the shop to replace it and’compensate the buyer.More importantly,such infractions could result in the shop being”blacklisted and not being able torenew its lease. If more than three similar.complaints are received in the same year,the shop may be ordered to vacate.10sing its chance of doing business in the Mart.



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