
出版时间:2005-8  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:杨永林  页数:283  


   90世纪90年代以来,随着世界经济一体化、科学技术全球化、技术人才国际化、信息技术产业化、文本信息数字化、学术成果网络化进程的加快,英语写作在外语学习中的重要地位,不断得以提升,逐渐成为评价学习者个体语言能力水平的一个必要参数,普遍得到认可。考察外语评估体系的演变过程,更能说明问题:一个显而易见的事实是,能否客观科学、准确全面地评估学习者的写作水平,不但已经成为国际三大英语测试体系(即GRE、TOEFL,以及IELTS)所关注的重要内容,同时也是国内“大学英语四、六级考试”、“英语专业四、八级考试”所面临的一项重要改革内容。譬如,美国的“托福”(TOEFL)考试,原来没有写作,后来增加了英语写作考试的内容。英国和澳大利亚共同开发的“雅思”(IELTS)考试,一直重视英语写作能力,使其成为语言整体评估体系中的一个不可或缺的重要参数,同时也成为这一考试系统中体现人性化特色的一个显著标志,深受考生的欢迎。近年来,“美国研究生入学考试”(GRE)也在不断增加写作能力在其评估体系中的权重,通过“分析性写作”(Analytical Writing)的引入,更为科学合理地考查考生通过英语写作解决实际问题的能力水平。


前言CHAPTER ONE:系统简介 内容介绍 1.问题与对策 2.系统特征 3.科研帮手 4.“易得”攻略 研发利器CHAPTER TWO:文前文本 内容介绍 框架结构 1.封面形式 2.致谢内容 3.论文摘要 “易觅”软件 4.全文目录 5.图表目录 6.缩略语表CHAPTER THREE:正文文本 内容介绍 1.研究选题 2.破题立论 3.背景介绍 4.理论框架 5.方法选择 6.数据收集  7.分析研究 8.讨论展示 9.所得结论CHAPTER FOUR:文后文本 内容介绍 1.参考书目 2.附录部分附录参考书目


  As noted above, for many short research articles, youcan put your discussion and your conclusion in a single textso as to espouse a tighter structural organization. For bigresearch projects as you may experience in your thesiswriting, an independent conclusion part is both academi-cally and institutionally required. A text like this will offeryou precious discourse space to show the big harvest ob-tained by your hard work in research.  Moreover, a well-organized conclusion part will becomea good evaluation system on its own so that all your relevantwork in this academic enterprise can be objectively judgedand scientifically evaluated by providing a convenient accessto a conclusive summary of the findings observed, resultsobtained, limitations existing, reflections made, implica-tions for others work, and prospects for your future study.  Finally, some major conclusions you may draw in thispart will possibly be re-presented in your abstract text. Ifother scholars in your field find some interesting clues ingoing over your abstract and impressed by your findings andconclusions reported in this mini-text, they may refer to theoriginal text for more detailed information. Therefore, for aserious researcher, a good conclusion means a lot of thingsin his/her research practice.



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