
出版时间:2005-1  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:《高等学校英语应用能力考试口试指南》编写组 编  页数:267  


  “高等学校英语应用能力考试(口试)”是专为高职高专学生设计和实施的考试,主要是测试考生以英语为工具进行日常交际和有关的业务工作的能力。由于口语考试具有不同于笔试的特殊性,而以实用性内容为考试目的的口试更有别于一般的口语考试,因此考生在准备考试时,不仅要对考试的目的、过程、形式、题型和内容有所了解,还有必要做一定量的针对性练习,才能真正掌握考试的要求和方法,顺利通过口试。  为了帮助参加本门口试的考生进一步了解考试的目的、要求、内容和题型,并通过大量的自我练习,以取得良好的考试成绩,我们编写了这本《高等学校英语应用能力考试(口试)指南》。《指南》的第一部分以问答方式详细介绍了这门口试的各个方面,并且对口试的整个过程与如何应答做了细致的指导;《指南》的第二部分提供了45套模拟题,考生可以通过做题比较有把握地参加考试。当然,我们也必须指出,要作到在考试中“应付自如”,还要靠平日的勤学苦练。只有掌握了足够的语言知识和口语技能才能做好这些模拟题。  在编写这本《指南》时,编者尽可能使模拟试卷的题材、体裁、内容、范围、题型和难易度等适应考试的实际需要,因此本书有很强的针对性,是一般的口语书不能替代的。




Exercise OneExercise TwoExercise ThreeExercise FourExercise FiveExercise SixExercise SevenExercise EightExercise NineExercise TenExercise Eleven Exercise TwelveExercise ThirteenExercise FourteenExercise FifteenExercise SixteenExercise SeventeenExercise EighteenExercise NineteenExercise TwentyExercise Twenty-oneExercise Twenty-twoExercise Twenty-threeExercise Twenty-fourExercise Twenty-fiveExercise Twenty-sixExercise Twenty-sevenExercise Twenty-eightoExercise Twenty-nineExercise ThirtyExercise Thirty-oneExercise Thirty-twoExercise Thirty-three Exercise Thirty-four Exercise Thirty-fiveExercise Thirty-sixExercise Thirty-sevenExercise Thirty-eightExercise Thirty-nineExercise FortyExercise Forty-oneExercise Forty-twoExercise Forty-three Exercise Forty-fourExercise Forty-fiveSuggested Answers


  Part 3  Party A and Party B agree that both Parties will jointly develop Internet related business.2.  Party B will provide all the investment funds, equipment and technology required by the project. Party A will offer the use fight of its network to participate in the cooperation.3. Both parties agree that a cooperative joint venture will be established in the City of Beijing. The name of this Joint Venture will be determined at a later time.  Part 4  The chart clearly shows that American employers are most concerned with thecandidates working experience, communication skills and enthusiasm. 85 percent of theemployers are seeking qualifications of working experience. Qualifications of communicationskills and enthusiasm are close behind with a high evaluation of above 70 percent. In the viewof a lot of company employers in America, educational background and intelligence accountfor about 50 percent. Only 28 percent employers consider that the academic performance isimportant for candidates, which is quite different from what we expect.




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用户评论 (总计5条)


  •   是一本很好的教学指导书,非常实用!
  •   用来指定考试题目的
  •   还可以吧 就是没怎么用。
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  •   买实用的

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