
出版时间:2005-1  出版社:蓝色畅想  作者:尼古拉A.Nikolai  页数:650  


自教育部在《关于加强高等学校本科教学工作提高教学质量的若干意见》【教高(2001)4号】中提出双语教学的要求后,各地高校相继开设了一系列双语教学课程。这对提高学生的学科和外文水平,开阅国际视野,培养创新型人才起到了重要的作用;一大批教师也逐渐熟悉了外文授课,自身的教学水平和能力得到较大提高,具备国际学术思维的中青年教师脱颖而出。同时,经过近几年的双语教学实践,国外原版教材量大、逻辑不够清晰、疏离中国现实等问题也影响了双语教学的效果。因此,对外版教材进行本土化的精简改编,使之更加适合我国的双语教学已提上教材建设日程。  为了满足高等学校经济管理类双语课程本土化教学的需要,在教育部高等教育司的指导和支持下,高等教育出版社同Thomson Learing等国外著名出版公司通力合作,在国内首次推出了金融、会计、经济学等专业的英文原版改编教材。本套教材的遴选、改编和出版严格遵循了以下几个原则:  1.择优选取权威的新版本。在各专业选书论证会上,我们要求入选改编的教材不仅是在国际上多次再版的经典之作的最新版本,而且是近年来已在国内被试用的优秀教材。  2.改编后的教材力求内容规范简明,逻辑更加清晰,语言原汁原味,适合中国的双语教学。选择的改编人既熟悉原版教材内容又具有本书或本门课程双语教学的经验;在改编过程中,高等教育出版社组织了知名专家学者召开了数次改编和审稿会议,改编稿征求了众多教师的意见。  3.改编后的教材配有较丰富的辅助教学支持资源,教师可在网上免费获取。同时,改编后的教材厚度适中,定价标准较低。  由于原作者所处国家的政治、经济和文化背景等与我国不同,对书中所持观点,敬请广大读者在阅读过程中注意加以分析和鉴别。  此次英文改编教材的出版,得到了很多专家学者的支持和帮助,在此深表谢意!我们期待这批英文改编教材的出版能对我国经济管理类专业的教学能有所帮助,欢迎广大读者给我们提出宝贵的意见和建议。


  《中级会计学》以理论分析见长,共分五篇。第一篇系统地阐述了会计环境、财务会计的概念框架、会计概念(会计基本要素)以及会计报表的构成要素。其他四篇从四大报表的基本构成要素入手进行详细讨论,在论述具体的每个项目的会计处理时,每章前面都要对第一篇中所讨论的基本概念(报表项目)的定义和特点进行进一步的讨论,并对相关会计处理的前因后果进行深入的理论分析,从而在加深读者对相关基础概念理解的同时,掌握有关实际问题的会计处理手段。作者还专门提到会计环境中的道德问题,以及在多变的市场环境中,会计人员应以解决问题为导向,具备创新和批判性的思想。  《中级会计学》语言流畅,用词简练,知识点全面,相关的例题深入浅出,非常适合作为会计学专业“中级财务会计”课程教材,也可作为MBA以及经济管理专业的研究生了解西方财务会计体系的参考书。


作者:(美国)尼古拉 (美国)巴泽利 编者:赖红宁Loren A.Nikolai,博士、注册会计师,美国密苏里州立大学哥伦比亚分校会计学教授,曾担任美国会计学院联盟(FSA)主席,美国会计学会(AAA)教育分会主任。尼古拉教授先后执教于威斯康星州立大学、北卡罗来纳州立大学,因教学成绩突出而多次获杰出教学奖。JohnD.Bazley,博士、注册会计师,美国丹佛大学Daniels商学院会计学教授,多次获杰出教学奖。改编及审校者简介赖红宁,暨南大学管理学院会计系副教授,专业方向:西方财务会计、西方财务管理及国际会计。王立彦,博士,北京大学光华管理学院教授、博士生导师,北京大学国际会计与财务研究中心主任,学术期刊《经济科学》副主编,《中国会计评论》主编,中国审计学会学术委员会委员。近年来的学术和专业研究重心集中在:会计信息与价值分析、海外上市与双重财务报告、公司治理与内部控制、成本管理控制、企业及管理层业绩评价、环境核算与认证的财务效应等。


Part 1 Financial Reporting: Concepts, Financial Statements, And Related Disclosures 1 The Environment Of Financial Reporting  2 Financial Reporting: Its Conceptual Framework  3 The Balance Sheet And The Statement Of Changes In Stockholders' Equity 4 The Income Statement And Statement Of Cash Flows  5 Additional Aspects Of Financial Reporting And Financial AnalysisPart 2 Financial Reporting: Asset Measurement And Income Determination 6 Cash And Receivables 7 Inventories: Cost Measurement And Flow Assumptions 8 Inventories: Special Valuation Issues  9 Property, Plant, And Equipment: Acquisition And Disposal  10 Depreciation And Depletion 11 Intangibles Part 3 Financial Reporting: Valuation Of Liabilities And Investments 12 Current Liabilities And Contingencies 13 Long-Term Liabilities And Receivables 14 Investments Part 4 Financial Reporting: Stockholders' Equity 15 Contributed Capital 16 Earnings Per Share And Retained EarningsPart 5 Financial Reporting: Special Topics 17 Income Recognition And Measurement Of Net Assets 18 The Statement Of Cash Flows  19 Accounting Changes And Errors


Finished Goods InventoryFinished goods inventory includes the completed manufactured products awaiting sale.The inventory includes the same three cost components as the goods in process inven-tory, but all the costs are combined into a single cost per unit for all the completed units. The inventory cost that a company reports on its balance sheet is the final amount thatresults from a series of steps. First the company must decide what items to include in theinventory and count the physical inventory quantities. Then it must determine the costs ofthe units it purchased or produced during the accounting period, taking into considerationthe costs for freight-in and the reductions for purchases discounts, returns, and allowances.The company uses a cost flow assumption to allocate the costs of the beginning inventoryplus the units purchased or produced during the year between the ending inventory andthe cost of goods sold. We discuss each of these steps in the following sections.Inventories of Service CompaniesA service company generally doesn't have a physical inventory that is material. However,it often has an "inventory" of services that it has provided but not yet billed. For ex-ample, a company that provides computer consulting services will pay its employees eachperiod but may only bill its services when certain "contract milestones" are reached. Thecompany has an inventory of "unbilled services provided" that it reports as an asset, andthen recognizes as an expense when it recognizes the revenue.




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