
出版时间:2005-4  出版社:高等教育  作者:黄源深,虞苏美总  页数:235  字数:500000  


  《综合英语教程》第一版问世以来,得到了全国上百所普通高等院校英语专业老师和学生的支持,为我国英语专业基础阶段的教学作出了很大的贡献。随着社会的发展,我国英语专业基础阶段的教学出现了许多变化,为了适应这些变化,编写组于2002年起对本教材进行了全面的修改。第二版充分反映了教师们开展教学实验的结果,修改和删除了一些不受学生和教师欢迎、课堂操作困难或过于机械的项目,增加了课堂效果良好的、有助于促进学生在语言和知识两方面发展的任务和内容,并根据课堂实验重新编写了内容更加丰富的教师用书。编写组认为,教材的修订不应仅仅是课堂操作层面上的改进,还应反映学科的最新变化,以及当前外语教学领域开展的一些重要变革。众所周知,在最近5年里,教育界发生了很大的变化,外语教育也不例外。教学观念、教学手段、学习目的和学习方法都产生了巨大的变化,其中最突出的是对学生主体的重新认识。教学界重新认识到教师必须根据学生的认知需要、情感需要和语言交流的需要来开展教学,这一原则在第二版教材中有如下体现:1.强调“以学生为中心,以教师为主导”的观念。第二版教材在教学活动的设计上,强调从学生已有知识出发,引导学生去探索未知的知识;教师在引导过程中,及时为学生传授语言和知识。2.第二版教材强调教材和教师在语言示范方面的共同作用。传统教材以教学材料为主要的语言示范工具,这对学习者的语言习得有极大帮助。但是,这种静止式的语言示范有很大的局限性,它排斥了语言教师的动态语言示范作用,教师无法准确地把握学生语言发展和学生交际需要之间的关系。第二版教材采用“静止式示范(Single-mode Modeling)”与“动态式示范(Interactive Modeling)”相结合的模式,强调教师通过语言交流活动,发现学生的交际需要,采用有针对性的“动态语言示范”,创造让学生“顿悟”语言的机会。3.第二版教材同时强调语言的“正面”和“负面”输入(Positive and Negative Input)。语言的“正面输入”指的是教师、教材以及教学活动和环境为学生提供的正确的语言形式,“负面输入”指的足学生在语言活动中得到的有关其语言错误的信息。近年来的研究已经证实,有些语言错误可以随着语言的发展而自行得到纠正,但也有许多语言错误必须得到及时的纠正,这种动态“负面输入”对学生的语言发展极为重要。4.第二版教材更加强调语言学习的自主性。语言教学要让学生获得语言知识,但是也要让学生学会自己去发现语言知识。学生通常必须在有意义的思维活动的基础上,在真实性交际需要的驱动下才能寻找到能刺激语言发展的语言形式。第二版教材重新设计了许多符合当代青年学生特点的任务,鼓励他们将自己的生活经验与语言活动、语言学习联系起来,从而获得自主发现语言形式的机会。5.第二版教材增加了大量的任务型活动(Task-based Activities)和研究型活动(Enquiry-based Activities)。有的活动印在学生用书上,有的收入教师用书。一般来讲,学生用书提供的活动要求学生独立思考,锤炼语言;教师用书的任务在开展活动时由教师复印发给学生,这更有利于教师组织课堂活动。编写组在实验中发现,语言学习的机会不仅产生于课前已经准备好的活动中,也产生于课堂活动的过程中。第二册学生用书主要修改了对话、阅读理解问题,原来的“角色表演”改为“任务型”活动,第三部分的扩充阅读后将部分讨论题改变成“任务型”活动。第三部分的词汇学习(Word study)增加了词汇讲解部分,讲解内容放在教师用书中,由教师掌握。


《综合英语教程》(第二版)是高等学校英语专业综合英语课教材,也可供师专、师范、教育学院及社会上英语自学者学习使用。全套书共分6册,均配有教师用书和录音磁带。    本书为第二册,共15个单元,每单元由三大部分组成:听说训练(Ustening and Speaking Activitics)、阅读理解和语言操练(Reading Comprehension and Language Activities)以及扩展性练习(Extended Activities)。第二册在第一册的基础上加大了语言训练难度,对学生听说读写技能的发展提出了新的要求。


1  Someone Waiting2  Football3  The Snake Bite4  He Was My Fater5  The English Countryside6  Suffering to Be Beautiful7  Waiting for a Call8  Secret Messages to Ourselves9  All That s Happening10  Teenager s Nightmare11  Understanding Your Owner12  Transforming Mars13  The Mud-backs14  The Japanese Ageing Suit15  Have You Seen the Tree?Word List


  which is the best. By one estimate, almost one billion people watched the 1982 cham-pionship game on television. People in Asia had to get up in the middle of the night to see Italy beat West Germany on TV in a game played in Spain.The World Cup began in Montevideo, Uruguay, in 1930. At the time, it did not seem like a true world competition since only 13 teams decided to play, and eight of them were from South America. The team from Uruguay won. In 1934 and 1938, the Cup was held in Europe. More than 30 teams played in each of these competitions, and Italy won both of them. The larger number of teams meant hat some rules had to be changed There were too many teams playing, so they had to have elimination matches first. Some of the games were played in countries other than the host country. This system is still used today, and only the 24 teams left afterelimination actually compete for the Cup.There were no World Cup championships in 1942 or 1946 because of World WarII. The cup itself was hidden during the war. This beautiful cup is about ten inches highand has the shape of Nike, the Greek goddess of victory, on it. It is named for a personwho helped organise the World Cup, Jules Rimet.When Cup play started again in 1950, there was little enthusiasm. It was like 1928all over again: Only 13 teams competed, the games were in Brazil, and Uruguay won.But the worldwide interest in soccer came back during the next four years. By the timeWest Germany won in Switzerland in 1954, millions of people wanted to go to thematches.In 1958, when the games were held in Sweden, interest was once again very high.Fifty-three teams wanted to compete. Many elimination matches were held in differ-ent parts of the world to get the number of teams down, and only the last 16 teams wentto Sweden. This was the first time that the world saw Pel6. His team, from Brazil, wonthe Cup for the first time that year, and Pel6 became the greatest soccer player of all time.In the past 30 years, soccer has become the sport of the world. Each World Cup is more successful than the last. Since 1966, probably one-quarter of the world has listened to or watched the championship game.


  其他版本请见:《普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材:综合英语教程2(学生用书)(第3版)(附光盘)》        汇集国内一流专家融合多年教学经验倡导现代学习理念提供教学解决方案《综合英语教程(2)(第2版)(学生用书)》的第一版获得全国普通高等学校优秀教材一等奖



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