
出版时间:2008-6  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:中等职业学校英语编写组 编  页数:81  






  The CAAChas bought a new computer. It joins all the offices of the CAAC in andout of China. It is used to record the tickets that people have bought. It also records the date whenthey will travel. It is possible to know much faster which planes are full and which planes still havefree seats on them. Now people can buy their plane tickets at the offices of the CAAC much faster.  In the past, there were long queues of people waiting outside the CAAC offices. You mightnot be able to buy your ticket until three days before you travelled.  Now it is much easier for you to buy tickets and trave by plane. The information in thecomputer can be used by all the CAAC offices. There are offices in 200 cities in China and also in70 cities abroad.  The new computer has helped travellers and business people. The number of people whotravel by plane in China is larger than ever before.



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