
出版时间:2009-8  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:王玉山 等 著  页数:144  




阅读技巧:如何推断作者的写作意图和态度?UNIT 1Text A Rising Star——the Brain and the Temptation of CakeText B The Temptation of Fashionable ClothesText C Getting Thin——for GoodUNITText A A Hot Controve y About Ability Differences Between Male and FemaleText B Proof That Men and Women Activate Stereotypes of Competence and Sociability RespectivelyText C The Art of Public SpeakingUNlTText A Chaplin’S Early LifeText B Charlie Chaplin on the RadioText C Media Selection for AdvertisementsUNITText A Racism or Just Cultural Differences?Text B Classical Artists Embrace Digital CultureText C Halloween阅读技巧:如何理解比喻性语言?UNITText A A Nation’S Civilization to Be Seen in Honor of the DisabledText B Beijing to Build More Service Statio to Cover All the Disabled by 2010Text C Tra pOrtatiOnUNITText A History of Copyright LawText B Dirge Fee Discussed for Funeral Parlo Text C The Trouble with TelevisionUNITText A Domestic Firm Overtakes Motorola in ChinaText B Features and Implicatio of the New EraText C Studying in Sydney.AustraliaUNlTText A Chinese Economic Development Pushes Chinese Language Education Ahead in the WorldText B Brazil’S Economy,a Strong Leader in the South American EconomyText C How Should You Build up Your Vocabulary?阅读技巧:如何区分事实和观点?UNITText A Are Cell Phones a Danger tO Kids?Text B A Story About FamilyText C Saving LanguageUNITText A Should Mary Buy Her Own Bonus?Text B What Is Business Ethics?Text C AirplaneUNIT 1 1Text A NGO Alleges Widespread Bribery in Kenyan Election CampaignText B Commercial BriberyText C Invisible VictimsUNITText A Psychological and Symbolic RealityText B Psychological and Social Issues Associated with Tooth LossText C Dreams阅读技巧:如何理解习语?UNITText A Gene That Mea Some People Can’t Give up CigarettesText B Father of GeneticsText C Cryptic ColoringUNITText A Hopes for the FutureText B My Hopes and Fea Concerning the Future with the Approach of NewEra of MankindText C HighwaysUNITText A Why Do We Get Fat As We Get Older?Text B HIVinfected African Woman Addresses UN AIDS MeetingText C History of ImmigrationUNITText A Fear of GlobalizationText B Why Do People Oppose Globalization?Text C Change and the NewspaperKEYS



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