
出版时间:2011-12  出版社:张永波 高等教育出版社 (2011-12出版)  作者:张永波  页数:217  




Unit 1 About Shanxi Province Reading A A Brief Introduction to Shanxi Province Reading B The Glorious History Active Reading Wheaten Food in Shanxi Unit 2 Three Prehistoric Sages Reading A Three Prehistoric Sages Reading B Shanxi Culture and Chinese Civilization Active Reading Shanxi Vinegar Culture Unit 3 Geography and Folk Customs of Shanxi Reading A Shanxi Geography Reading B Folk Customs of Shanxi Active Reading Paper-cutting Unit 4 The Influential Historic Figures in Shanxi Reading A Influential Historic Figures in Shanxi Reading B Historical Literary Figures in Shanxi Active Reading Drinking Culture in Shanxi Unit 5 Famous Mountains and Rivers in Shanxi Reading A Famous Mountains and Rivers in Shanxi Reading B Historic Sites Active Reading Local Dwelling Houses in Shanxi Unit 6 The Art of Grottoes Reading A Yungang Grottoes Reading B Grottoes in China Active Reading The Legend of Yungang Grottoes Unit 7 Hanging Monasteries in China Reading A Hanging Monastery ofMt. Hengshan Reading B Hanging Monasteries in China Active Reading Shanxi Folk Songs Unit 8 Xiantong Temple Reading A Xiantong Temple Reading B Xiantong Temple in Huaibei City Active Reading The Dough Modeling Unit 9 Foguang Temples in China Reading A Foguang Temple of Wutai Mountain Reading B Foguang Temples in China Active Reading Leather-silhouette Show Unit 10 Jinci Temple Reading A Jinci Temple Reading B The Legend of Water Goddess Active Reading Shanxi Folk Embroidery Unit 11 The Courtyard Culture in Shanxi Reading A The Qiao's Compound Reading B Other Famous Compounds in Shanxi Active Reading Shanxi's Shehuo Show Unit 12 Pingyao Ancient City Reading A Pingyao Ancient City Reading B Rishengchang Exchange Shop Active Reading Shanxi Merchants Unit 13 Shuanglin Temple Reading A Shuanglin Temple Reading B Painted Sculptures in Shuanglin Temple Active Reading Shanxi Opera Unit 14 Ancient Pagodas in China Reading A Yingxian Wooden Pagoda Reading B Ancient Pagodas in China Active Reading Gong and Drum in Shanxi Unit 15 Buddhist Mountains in China Reading A Wutai Mountain Reading B Putuo Mountain, Emei Mountain and Jiuhua Mountain Active Reading Marriage Rituals in Shanxi Unit 16 Palaces in China Reading A Royal Prime Minister's Palace Reading B Palaces in China Active Reading Folk Traditional Dress in Shanxi


版权页:   插图:   It is no doubt that tiger's frequent appearance in paper-cutting shows people'sadmiration for its courage, strength and loveliness. In a word, the paper-cutting and thered antithetical couplets may intensify the happy atmosphere during the festivals. 2. The Lantern Festival takes place on the fifteenth day of the first month according tothe Chinese lunar calendar. Every year at this time, people always make lanterns withcolorful paper-cutting patterns on them, which are hung here and there in the gardens,on both sides of the main gates. The Paper lanterns are in various shapes and sizes:butterfly, bird, flower, boat, fish and so on. Lantern has become one of the elements of ajoyous life. 3. Tomb-sweeping Day falls on the fifth of April of lunar Calendar. The sacrificescovered with paper-cuttings are offered to show people's missing of their deceasedrelatives. On lunar October the first, in the northern regions of Shanxi, colored-paperis cut into clothes, hats, shoes and quilts with various patterns to be burned in the frontgate or in the graveyard, which is another form for the living to express their deepmissing of the dead. Paper-cutting in some rites In folk custom activities and celebrations, "xi" (Happiness ) is an eternal theme. 1. The birth of an infant is a great happy event in a familyThe elders are happy to celebrate the coming of the new life.Usually a red and big paper-cutting calabash will be pastedon the door; on the one hand, it is the publicizing the goodnews that a new mouth has been added to the family; on theother hand, it is regarded as a sign that casual visiting to thefamily has to be stopped to custom-familiar folks.





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  •   高教的书还是值得推荐的,内容比较丰富,涉及面广,虽然每个方面说得不够很深入(很深入的话得几部大部头的书才够啊),但对山西历史地地理文化已描述得比较全了。书的形式更象是高校的教科书,居然还有课后练习。英语不敢说100%地道,毕竟是中国人写的,以我的水平是看不出什么破绽。偶有外国朋友来访,想向他们更好地介绍山西,这本书挺适合

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