
出版时间:2011-1  出版社:机械工业  作者:蔡晔 编  页数:130  字数:138000  




Level 1 Sea Turtle
Passage 1 The First Day of School
 Passage 2 0n a Bus
 Passage 3 Jim'S Family
 Passage 4 Are Candies Always Sweet?
 Passage 5 What Is My Job?
 Passage 6 Weather Predict
 Passage 7 But the Teacher Cried
 Passage 8 I'm Afraid to See the Doctor
 Passage 9 A French Student
 Passage 10 An OId Cat
 Passage 11 Breakfast
 Passage 12 A Green Hat
 Passage 13 Flowers
 Passage 14 The Rainbow
 Passage 15 0ne Dog or Tw0
 Passage 16 Mr Going-t0-d0
 Passage 17 A Desert
 Passage 18 K Day
 Passage 19 Moon Festival
 Passage 20 A Olock and a Watch
Level 2 Penguin
Level 3 Dolphin
Level 4 Shark


  One day a crow finds a piece of meat. She picks itap in her mouth and flies to a tail tree. She is just goingto eat the meat when a fox sees her. He comes andstands under the tree and says, "How pretty you are!You must be the prettiest bird in the world. "  The crow is very pleased by these words. Then thefox speaks again,"I can see your pretty face, but I havenot heard your voice. Why dont you sing a song?"  This makes the crow very happy. She opens her  4mouth and begins to sing. As she opens her mouth, she drops the meat. The fox picksup the meat at once and goes away with it.


  《小学英语阅读理解天天练(5年级)》同步天天练,能力步步高。  丛书畅销7年  潜心打造各阶段完整学习方案  拥有百万忠实读者  众多一线教师推荐使用



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  •   我觉得书的内容不错,适合小学生用!
  •   从女儿4年级就开始买了,会一直买的
  •   已被孩子用作假期作业
  •   我喜欢书里的小故事
  •   不错吧,孩子也喜欢啊!
  •   老师指定买的,确实不错
  •   好书,非常不错,谢谢了
  •   非常实用的家教用书
  •   这个系列伴着孩子的成长
  •   小学英语阅读理解天天练(5年级)

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