
出版时间:2000-7  出版社:人民交通出版社  作者:毛奇凰  页数:212  


  《通信英语》以中华人民共和国交通部最新颁发的海船船员考试及评估大纲中“通信英语”子纲、《STCW 95公约》为指导,吸收了国内外有关书籍、文献资料的精华,汇集了作者自1993年以来多年从事GMDSS通信英语的教学和考试经验编写而成。  《通信英语》涵盖了大纲中有关GMDSS通用和限用操作员所要求的通信英语科目的所有考试内容,并汇集了丰富的练习题和阅读材料以及简单的英语语法注解,融专业知识与语言语法知识于一体,适合作为航海院校驾驶类专业通信英语课程以及GMDSS通用和限用操作员证书培训教材,也可作为英语学习的泛读教材。


Lesson One Maritime Distress and Safety Communications Enter New EraLesson Two Basic Concept of GMDSSLesson Three Communications in the GMDSSLesson Four INMARSAT SystemsLesson Five INMARSAT--A SystemsLesson Six INMARSAT--C SystemsLesson Seven INMARSAT--C Maritime ServiceLesson Eight Other INMARSAT SystemLesson Nine COSPAS--SARSAT SystemLesson Ten Maritime Safety InformationLesson Eleven International SafetyNET ServiceLesson Twelve International NAVTEX ServiceLesson Thirteen Radio TelexLesson Fourteen Digital Selective CallingLesson Fifteen Search and Rescue Radar TransponderLesson Sixteen False Alert in the GMDSSLesson Seventeen Selections of Radio RegulationsLesson Eighteen Selections of Amendments to the 1974 SOLAS ConventionLesson Nineteen Excerpt From STCW 1995 AmendmentsLesson Twenty Communication WritingAppendix One Maritime Mobile Traffic ChargesAppendix Two Medical Advice by RadioAppendix Three Regulations for the Use of Radio Telegraphy and Radio Telephony in Territorial Waters and HarboursAppendix Four Ship Reporting SystemsAppendix Five Selections of Radio RegulationsAppendix Six Tech-terms, Definitions and AbbreviationsAppendix Seven ITU Publications --Admiralty List of Radio SignalsAppendix Eight Introduction to AIS,VDR and ECDIS



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