
出版时间:2010-2  出版社:人民卫生出版社  作者:黄龙祥  页数:247  




本书为世界卫生组织西太平洋地区事务处颁布的国际标准《针灸经穴定位》。     近1/4常用腧穴定位在西太区不同成员国间存在分歧,由此产生了对针灸治疗有效性和安全性的怀疑。为满足针灸研究、教育和临床治疗的需要,腧穴定位国际标准化的需求逐渐增加。但由于每个成员国均有各自传统的腧穴定位方法,因此,腧穴定位国际标准化的开展非常困难。经过WHO/WPRO组织多次组织讨论,经过3年的努力,完成了经穴定位国际标准,为针灸的发展奠定了坚实基础。本次采用中英文对照,势必对我国针灸研究国际化起到积极地促进作用。


致谢针灸经穴定位总则  Ⅰ.范围  Ⅱ.术语和定义  Ⅲ.腧穴体表定位的原则和方法  Ⅳ.经穴定位的表述  Ⅴ.定位有分歧的腧穴世界卫生组织标准针灸经穴定位  手太阴肺经    中府    云门    天府    侠白    尺泽    孔最    列缺    经渠    太渊    鱼际    少商  手阳明大肠经    商阳    二间    三间    合谷    阳溪    偏历    温溜    下廉    上廉    手三里    曲池    肘醪    手五里    臂臑    肩髑    巨骨    天鼎    扶突    口禾髎    迎香  足阳明胃经    承泣    四白    巨髎    地仓    大迎    颊车    下关    头维    人迎    水突    专舍    缺盆    气户    库房    屋翳    膺窗    乳中  ……参考文献附录


插图:In acupuncture point location, a vertical and horizontal coordinate method is adopted as much aspossible. Using two intersecting lines to make a crossing point, first, the distance on the y-coordinate(Y axis) is determined to draw the horizontal line on the body, then the distance on the x-coordinate (Xaxis) is determined to draw the vertical line on the body. The latest edition of International AnatomicalTerminology is utilized to describe the relevant anatomical parts of acupuncture point locations.  The description for acupuncture point locations does not include methods for locating theacupuncture points. Notes will be added, when required, to explain the specific body postures thatare required to locate certain acupuncture points, as well as the techniques for locating body surfacelandmarks, proportional bone (skeletal) measurements, and the relationship with adjacent acupuncturepoints.  The focus of explanations for location of acupuncture points is on general body positions. Onlythose special body positions required for certain acupuncture points have specific notes under relevantitems to explain their locations.  Notes offer supplementary explanations on the following related key points for location ofacupuncture points. A special body position required for acupuncture point location. The proportional bone (skeletal) measurement. Explanations of the method of locating certain anatomical landmarks. The relationship with adjacent acupuncture points or reference acupuncture points.  Explanations of the differences in surface landmarks between different genders and individuals.V. Controversial acupuncture point locations  Through several meetings with Member States organized by the WHO Regional Officer for theWestern Pacific to review the 92 controversial acupuncture point locations, 86 were standardized.However, the experts could only make a tentative decision on the six remaining points. It was agreedthat further scientific research, such as multi-centred clinical trials, should be conducted on the sixremaining controversial acupuncture point locations.





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用户评论 (总计10条)


  •   针灸本就是我中华的优秀遗产,被日本韩国矫改标准,实在不太爽!
  •   有比较标准的穴位介绍,中英文对照
  •   黄龙祥写的,都是好东东
  •   不实用 学术性比较强些
  •   替人买的,针灸这东西对某些疾病有效,但是现在连经络是什么都还在探讨之中,那么针灸的依据又是什么呢?
  •   穴位 精确
  •   基本是普通的针灸书的内容,增加了点英文。
  •   不错,此书实用,对学针灸的学生老师都适用。发扬祖国医学
  •   可以。这本书是最新的针灸经穴定位国际标准。
  •   算是“标准化”了的书里比较好的,图示清晰。

250万本中文图书简介、评论、评分,PDF格式免费下载。 第一图书网 手机版
