
出版时间:2007-4  出版社:国防工业  作者:刘玉梅  页数:128  字数:108000  


This book is divided into eight parts.Each part deals with a central theme but integrates into a coherent,interdependent and uniform whole as a book.It can be used as a course book for iunior or senior college students who orient their interest in teaching English as a foreign 1anguage in their future career or used in training cours-es for novice and experienccd teachers.It call also be a handbook or reference book for in—service teachers to conduct their own self-edu-cation through an evaluation of practices in reference to theories.


1  Introduction  1.1  The Nature of Language Teaching  1.2  The Necessity of Learning Language Teaching Methodology  1.3  Overview of This Book2  Views on Language and Language Learning  2.1  Views on Language  2.2  Views on Language Learning  2.3  Summary  2.4  Questions for Discussion3  Major Methods and Approaches in FLT  3.1  The Grammar-Translation Method   3.2  The Direct Method   3.3  The Audiolingual Approach   3.4  The Silent Way   3.5  Suggestopedia   3.6  Community Language Learning   3.7  Total Physical Response   3.8  The Cognitive Approach   3.9  The Communicative Approach   3.10  Task-Based Language Teaching   3.11  Learner-Centered Education   3.12  Summary   3.13  Questions for Discussion4  The Models of the Process of FLT  4.1  The PPP Model  4.2  Harmer' s ESA Model  4.3  Ur's PPT Model  4.4  Willis' TBL Model  4.5  Summary  4.6  Questions for Discussion5  Teaching the Language System  5.1  The Language System  5.2  Teaching Pronunciation  5.2.1  The Necessity of Teaching Pronunciation  5.2.2  The Concept of Pronunciation  5.2.3  Techniques for Teaching Pronunciation  5.2.4  Summary  5.3  Teaching Vocabulary  5.3.1  What Needs to Be Taught?  5.3.2  Principles of Vocabulary Instruction  5.3.3  Techniques for Vocabulary Instruction  5.3.4  Summary  5.4  Teaching Grammar  5.4.1  What is Grammar?  5.4.2  Principles of Teaching Grammar  5.4.3  Techniques for Teaching Grammar 5.5  Summary 5.6  Questions for Discussion6 Teaching Language Skills7  Lesson Planning and Classroom Management8 Teacher Education and DevelopmentReferences



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