
出版时间:2006-11  出版社:外文出版社  作者:王智铃  页数:118  字数:222000  


如果说学英语有“技巧”,那就是一种好的学习方法、一种思考问题的方式或是一些通过实地分析研究、而总结出的一些客观规律。众所周知,考生巩固理论学习、加强学习效果的最佳途径就是多练习。鼓励考生在书本知识得到一定掌握之后,多花一些时间放在练习上,尤其是模拟练习,这将有助于考生了解考试、演化学习。    通过对等级考试历届考试试题的研究,编写了《全国英语等级考试标准预测试卷》系列图书,旨在为考生提供一套可以信赖的练习丛书。本册为该系列图书的第二级,共有以下内容:    应试指导:介绍学习的方法,指南学习的重点,更为重要的是将考生十分关心的大纲要求等问题进行了总结,同时针对第二级的题型进行了必要的分析。综合的信息能帮助考完整而又准确地掌握备考知识。    标准预测试卷:在题型、题量、设计结构,分值比例和题目难度等方面均与真卷一致,融强化练习和考前测试的功能于一体。    历年真实考卷:精选历年试卷以及标准答案,供考生领略真实考题的全貌,同时考生可以自己尝试研究,分析命题规律。    口试模拟考场:提供全真的口试模拟试卷,让考生提前了解口试试题型。    参考答案及解析:所有的标准预测试卷都配有标准答案和答案解析,通过解析的提示可以使考生知其然也知其所以然。    配套学习光盘:本书附赠一张PETS学习光盘,主要内容为:一是智能化测试系统组成PETS标准预测考场,自动出卷、自动评分的功能使考生提前感受考试氛围,二是以通过各单项的指导和训练提高考生的应试能力。考生可以通过电脑、MP3机、超级VCD、DVD等播放器使用光盘,收听听力录音材料。


PETS第一级应试指导标准预测试卷实考试卷系列  标准预测试卷(1)    标准预测试卷(2)  标准预测试卷(3)  标准预测试卷(4)  标准预测试卷(5)  标准预测试卷(6)  标准预测试卷(7)  标准预测试卷(8)  标准预测试卷(9)  标准预测试卷(10)实考试卷系列  实考试卷口试模拟考场系列  口试模拟考场(1)  口试模拟考场(2)参考答案及解析  听力部分录音材料  参考答案及解析  听力部分录音材料


  第二节 短文理解1  阅读下面短文,从[A](Right)、[B](Wrong)、[C](Doesn’t Say)三个判断中选择一个正确选项,并在答题卡1上将该项涂黑。  Jo was the most popular boy in the sch001.He was tall and s~ong,with dark brown hair and green eyes andthesweetest smile.He was good at all sports and he Was top of his class.  There was keen competition among the girls to attract his attention.Yet,Jo Was nice to all of them,even theplain.shy ones but he didn’t have a steady girlfriend.  Ella was the only one who didn’t seem to have any romantic interest in him;she treated him friendly and theothers didin’t consider her as rival.But she knew him very well.Jo and Ella were the best friends.They talked abouttheir problems,exchanged ideas,gave advice to each other and played jokes on each other occasionally.  One day,Jo dida’t go to sch001.He stayed away for a week,then the news came:his mother had died.  When he went back to school,he looked fired and sad,like someone who walks without knowing where he’Sgoing.No one knew what to say to him.The easy smile and superficial chat couldn’t reach him any more.When hemet Ella,they didn’t say much.There was no need to.She simply shook hands with him,then hugged him brieflyand asked him to∞and See her in the afternoon.


  专家命题,专家预测,笔试口试,全面突击,人机对话,实考模拟。  应试指导+8套笔试+8套口试



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