
出版时间:2009-11  出版社:外文  作者:张同冰  页数:127  






  7.You can find "KEEP 1N COLD PLACE" on  A. food  B. book  C. money  D. clothes  8.The_____ park will open next week.  A. childrens  B. childrens  C. children  D. childs  9.A: What would you like to drink, girls?  B:_____, please.  A. Two cup of coffee  B. Two cups of coffees  C. Two cups of coffee  D. Two cup of coffee  10.Everybody in the little town knew my first teacher, so we had no finding his home.  A. difficulties in  B. difficulty with  C. difficulty  D. difficulty to  11.In some countries, such as India, they use_____as an"official"(官方的)or "second" language for government, business and education.  A. Indian  B. Chinese  C. French  D. English  12.A: Where is my father?  B: Hes left a saying that hes in the office.  A. message  B. news  C. excuse  D. information  13.shirts are both on_____ desk.  A. Toms and John; Marys and Janes  B. Tom and Johns; Marys and Janes  C. Toms and Johns; Mary and Janes  D. Tom and Johns; Mary and Janes  14.A: Please give me a_____when you arrive in Beijing. B: All right. Ill tell you everything when I get there.  A. newspaper  B. ticket  C. calling  D. ring  15.Move along and make__ for me.  A. a room  B. room  C. chair  D. table  16.Ten_____were hurt, but no_____were lost in that accident.  A. people; life  B. people; lives  C. people; life  D. peoples; lives



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