
出版时间:2007-8  出版社:天津人民出版社  作者:解方辉  页数:155  字数:200000  


该书根据国家新课程标准,兼顾了各种版本的初中英语教材,其主要特点表现如下:    1.详尽列举了初中生必须掌握的英语语法知识点。    2.分别从中考考点的角度讲述各个语法点,力图高度认真地把每一个知识点都打造成为精品,知识点详尽、全面、准确,直击中考目标。    3.本书收集整理了有关各个语法知识点的全国各地最近几年的中考试题,针对性强,能够让学生把记忆和理解、学习和练习达到高度完美的统一。      4.通过本书考生可以很清楚地看到各个语法点在本地区中考中的出题情况及重要程度。    总之,这本书既是学生学习的良师益友,也是家长辅导孩子学习的好参谋。


第一章 名词  中考语法精讲 中考重点及最新预测 经典试题回放第二章 冠词  中考语法精讲 中考重点及最新预测 经典试题回放第三章 代词  中考语法精讲 中考重点及最新预测 经典试题回放第四章 形容词和副词  中考语法精讲 中考重点及最新预测 经典试题回放第五章 介词  中考语法精讲 中考重点及最新预测 经典试题回放第六章 数词  中考语法精讲 中考重点及最新预测 经典试题回放第七章 情态动词  中考语法精讲 中考重点及最新预测 经典试题回放第八章 时态  中考语法精讲 中考重点及最新预测 经典试题回放第九章 动名词  中考语法精讲 中考重点及最新预测 经典试题回放第十章 不定式  中考语法精讲 中考重点及最新预测 经典试题回放第十一章 复合句  中考语法精讲 中考重点及最新预测 经典试题回放第十二章 感叹句和祈使句  中考语法精讲 中考重点及最新预测 经典试题回放第十三章 被动语态  中考语法精讲 中考重点及最新预测 经典试题回放第十四章 There be句型与反意疑问句  中考语法精讲 中考重点及最新预测 经典试题回放第十五章 特殊疑问词与特殊疑问句  中考语法精讲 中考重点及最新预测 经典试题回放第十六章 主谓一致与并列连词  中考语法精讲 中考重点及最新预测 经典试题回放第十七章 初中阶段三种重要的基本句型 中考语法精讲 中考重点及最新预测 经典试题回放


  34.-The classroom is clean______it was yesterday.  -Sorry. I forgot to clean it.  A. as, as  B. so,as  C.not so,as  D. more, than  35. Because of the Internet, we can get information______than before.  A.fast  B. faster  C. fastest  36.-You are standing too near to the TV. Can you move a bit______?  -OK, Mum. Is it all right here?  A. faster  B. slower  C. farther  D. nearer  37 .-I can t afford the white dress. Can you show me something cheaper?  -What about this orange one? The price is a little______.  A. cheaper  B. lower  C. higher  D. more expensive  38.He has tried on two more blue sweaters,but he still thinks the green one fits him  A. best  B. better  C. well  D, good  39.-Dick, is Nick your twin brother?  -Yes,and Im thirty minutes than him.  A. fatter  B. taller  C. heavier  D. older  40. This sweater doesnt suit me.Its a bit small. Could you give me______one?  A. a large  B. a larger  C. the largest  41. Mobile phone are very popular now and they are______than before.  A. cheap  B. cheaper  C. cheapest  D. the cheapest  42.-What does your cousin look like now?  -Oh, he is much than before.  A. strong  B. stronger  C. strongest  D. too strong  43.-Who gets up______, your father or your mother?  -My mother.  A. early  B. earlier  C. earliest  44.Sorry,I took your MP3 by mistake.Ill be careful next time.  A. most  B. more  C. much  45 .-Im getting______each month. I cant put on my jeans.  -Im afraid you have to take exercise every day.  A. heavy  B. heavier  C. the heavier  D. the heaviest  46.-You speak English much than before.  -Thank you.  A. well  B. better  C. best  D. good  47.-Which coat is on me, the blue one or the black one?  -The blue one.  A. good  B. better  C. best  D. the best  48.This motorcycle is not as______as that one,and it uses less gas.  A. expensive  B. less expensive  C. more expensive  D. the most expensive  49.-How far is it to the airport? 20 kilometers?  -No, it s. About 30 kilometers.  A. far  B. farther  C. ther farther  D. ther farthest  50. "Young man,ff you talk______(little)and eat more, you will enjoy yourself," said the old lady.  51 .My friend is two years______(小)than me.  52. In winter, its______(cold)in Changchun than in Guangzhou.



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用户评论 (总计5条)


  •   不错不错~很适合初中生!!!推荐
  •   真的是一款好书虽然看起来很难看内容很实在非常适合学的时候稀里糊涂的都没弄明白的人我就是这样的所以深有感触
  •   如果语法后面的习题能够混合到一起就更好了~
  •   很好,学生反映不错
  •   如题,概括的算比较全面的

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