
出版时间:2009-3  出版社:中国人民大学  作者:蒋军虎  页数:388  字数:774000  


考研阅读文奄的难度众所周知,很多考生阅读时基本上是蜻蜓点水、雾里看花,做题时云山雾罩、不知所云,只能猜题、蒙题。与此同时,市面上的一些辅导书籍或鱼目混珠、滥竽充数,或讲解粗略、不求深入,对于考生,尤其对于基本功较差者,帮助甚微。   本书作者从事基础英语和应试英语教学十数载,深知考生心中之痛楚,为考生全力打造了这本“真题精读“的范本教材。本书完全按照精读、细读的要求,对所选文章进行鞭辟八里的精讲,以使考生能真正读懂、读透文章里的词、句、篇和题四个层面内容。本书收录了1999—2009年共11年的考研阅读真题,对每一篇文章的知识点和题目都进行了详尽、准确的讲解剖析,以帮助考生迅速提高英语阅读水平乃至综合实力。




Unit1 1999年阅读真题 Text 1  知识点精读精记   题日精解   文章精译 Text 2   知识点精读精记   题目精解   文章精译 Tbxt 3   知识点精读精记   题目精解   文章精译 Text 4   知识点精读精记   题目精解   文章精译 Text 5   知识点精读精记   题目精解   文章精译Unit 2 2000年阅读真题  Text 1    知识点精读精记    题目精解    文章精译  Text 2    知识点精读精记    题目精解    文章精译  Text 3    知识点精读精记    题目精解    文章精译  Text 4    知识点精读精记    题目精解    文章精译  Text 5    知识点精读精记    题目精解    文章精译Unit 3 2001年阅读真题  Text 1    知识点精读精记    题目精解    文章精译  Text 2    知识点精读精记    题目精解   文章精译  Text 3    知识点精读精记    题目精解    文章精译  Text 4    知识点精读精记    题目精解    文章精译  Text 5    知识点精读精记    题目精解    文章精译Unit 4 2002年阅读真题  Text 1    知识点精读精记    题目精解    文章精译  Text 2    知识点精读精记    题目精解    文章精译  Text 3    知识点精读精记    题目精解    文章精译  Text 4    知识点精读精记    题目精解    文章精译Unit 5 2003年阅读真题  Text 1    知识点精读精记    题目精解    文章精译  Text 2    知识点精读精记    题目精解    文章精译  Text 3    知识点精读精记    题目精解    文章精译  Text 4    知识点精读精记    题目精解    文章精译Unit 6 2004年阅读真题  Text 1    知识点精读精记  题目精解    文章精译  Text 2    知识点精读精记    题目精解    文章精译  Text 3    知识点精读精记    题目精解    文章精译  Text 4    知识点精读精记    题目精解    文章精译Unit 7 2005年阅读真题  Text 1    知识点精读精记    题目精解    文章精译  Text 2    知识点精读精记    题目精解    文章精译  Text 3    知识点精读精记    题目精解    文章精译  Text 4    知识点精读精记    题目精解    文章精译Unit 8 2006年阅读真题  Text 1    知识点精读精记    题目精解    文章精译  Text 2    知识点精读精记    题目精解    文章精译  Text 3    知识点精读精记    题目精解    文章精译  Text 4    知识点精读精记    题目精解    文章精译Unit 9 2007年阅读真题  Text 1  知识点精读精记    题目精解    文章精译  Text 2    知识点精读精记    题目精解    文章精译  Text 3    知识点精读精记    题目精解    文章精译  Text 4    知识点精读精记    题目精解    文章精译Unit 10 2008年阅读真题  Text 1    知识点精读精记    题目精解    文章精译  Text 2    知识点精读精记    题目精解    文章精译  Text 3    知识点精读精记    题目精解    文章精译  Text 4    知识点精读精记    题目精解    文章精译Unit 11 2009年阅读真题  Text 1    知识点精读精记    题目精解    文章精译  Text 2    知识点精读精记    题目精解    文章精译  Text 3    知识点精读精记    题目精解    文章精译  Text 4    知识点精读精记    题目精解    文章精译后记


  Being a man has always been dangerous. There are about 105 males born for every 100 females, but this ratiodrops to near balance at the age of maturity, and among 70-year-olds there are twice as many women as men. But thegreat universal of male mortality is being changed. Now, boy babies survive almost as well as girls do. This meansthat, for the first time, there will be an excess of boys in those crucial years when they are searching for a mate. Moreimportant, another chance for natural selection has been removed. Fifty years ago, the chance of a baby (particularly aboy baby) surviving depended on its weight. A kilogram too light or too heavy meant almost certain death. Today it makesalmost no difference. Since much of the variation is due to genes, one more agent of evolution has gone.  There is another way to commit evolutionary suicide: stay alive, but have fewer children. Few people are asfertile as in the past. Except in some religious communities, very few women have 15 children. Nowadays the num-ber of births, like the age of death, has become average. Most of us have roughly the same number ofoffspring. Again, differences between people and the opportunity for natural selection to take advantage of it havediminished. India shows what is happening. The country offers wealth for a few in the great cities and poverty for theremaining tribal peoples. The grand mediocrity of today——everyone being the same in survival and number of off-spring——means that natural selection has lost 80% of its power in upper-middle-class India compared to the tribes.  For us, this means that evolution is over; the biological Utopia has arrived. Strangely, it has involved littlephysical change. No other species fills so many places in nature. But in the past 100, 000 years——even the past 100years——our lives have been transformed but our bodies have not. We did not evolve, because machines and societydid it for us. Darwin had a phrase to describe those ignorant of evolution : they "look at an organic being as a sav-age looks at a ship, as at something wholly beyond his comprehension. " No doubt we will remember a 20th centuryway of life beyond comprehension for its ugliness. But however amazed our descendants may be at how far from Uto-pia we were, they will look just like us.






    历年考研英语阅读真题精读笔记 PDF格式下载

用户评论 (总计20条)


  •   阅读真题精读笔记值得一看,蒋军虎老师讲得很好
  •   这本书对考研阅读中词汇的解释又详细又到位。。绝了!!
  •   内容很好啊,很适合需要考研的人复习时候用,可以很系统地学习。人大的书一向都挺好的。
  •   阅读的基础是单词,此书单词讲得很精确,很细致。
  •   我很喜欢这本书。。。解释很详细。。有译文。。个人觉得单词书都可以不买。。。它的单词比较详细。。。比新东方的版面好
  •   给朋友买的,说还可以,希望考试能够通过!
  •   今天刚刚收到货,觉得书不错啊,肯定是正版的,之前还担心会买到盗版的呢。
  •   蒋老师的书细致全面,里面除有词汇解析,还有全文翻译,是本不可多得的好书!~
  •   很好啊,值得购买!
  •   很实用极其推荐
  •   跟新华书店的质量一样好哦~还送货上门~很不错!
  •   价格很便宜,质量也不错!就是发货太慢了,10号订的13号才发货!
  •   用了这本书,每天一篇,感觉不错。最初超喜欢这本书,因为有比较详细地分析。但随着对真题的分析加深就发现这本书的毛病了,只有单词的解释、拓展,没有句子结构的分析。在这一方面,考研真相要做得好些,但这两本书各有优势,这本侧重阅读的单词拓展,比较适于做阅读,而不适合研究阅读真题。
  •   帮别人买的 但是他说很好
  •   挺好的,就是如果有长难句就好了
  •   总体不错,我觉得更适合真题研究初期,因为单词讲的很细,但是蒋老师的解题方法以及精髓都没有在此书中体现,很失望!!!
  •   单词注释很清楚
  •   这本书没有宣传的那么好,如果作为读真题记单词,我个人认为非常好;但这个阶段,太差劲了,尤其是没有对所设问题及选项认真分析。对于冲刺阶段,实在没有必要。还说“真正做到精读”????????????????
  •   说真的,看完本书发现考试的时候还是完全看不懂。。。也许今年题目确实难吧。
  •   rt:::替妹子买的,妹子说他课讲的可以,这书写的太简单了,很失望!!!

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