
出版时间:2007-9  出版社:北京大学出版社  作者:彭曼  页数:713  


  Financial statements are the lens on a business. Financial statement analysis calibrates the lens to bring the business into focus. Imperfections in the financial statements can dirty the lens and distort the picture. Financial statement analysis deals wi


本书从价值评估的概念框架出发,系统介绍了财务报表分析以及企业基本面分析的相关内容,如财务报表、权责发生制会计、财务报表分析、预测与价值评估、会计分析与价值评估以及风险分析等,从而使读者能够通过合理的财务报表分析理解企业的价值,并将分析结果应用于实际的证券投资之中。    本书为英文改编版,作者首先建立了一个概念框架,以帮助读者理解企业如何运行、如何创造价值以及财务报表如何反映这些价值,并将企业运行的相关知识转化为价值评估,使分析建立在合理的基础之上。并阐述了大量财务报表分析与投资分析中常用的分析工具,并以著名公司的实例阐述了这些工具的运用。本书中所有的分析都与现代金融的原理一致,并且显示了对会计本身的质量的评价。


Stephen H.Penman,哥伦比亚大学商学院George O.May教授和摩根士丹利研究学者,《会计研究评论》(Review of Accounting Studies)主编。研究领域为权益定价及会计信息在证券分析中的应用,1991年获得美国会计学会和美国注册会计师协会颁发的会计研究杰出贡献奖,2001年因本书获得美国会计学会和德勤颁发的Wildman奖。


List of CasesList of Accounting ClinicsChapter 1  Introduction to Investing and Valuation  Investment Styles and Fundamental Analysis  Bubble, Bubble  The Setting: Investors, Firms, Securities, and Capital Markets  The Business of Analysis: The Professional Analyst  The Analysis of Business  Choosing a Valuation Technology  How to Use this Book  The Web Connection  Key Concepts  A Continuing Case: Kimberly-Clark Corporation  Concept Questions  Exercises  MinicaseChapter 2  Introduction to the Financial StatementsPART ONE  FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND VALUATION  Chapter 3  How Financial Statements Are Used in Valuation  Chapter 4  Cash Accounting,Accrual Accounting,and Discounted Cash Flow Valuation  Chapter 5  Accrual Accounting and Valuation:Pricing Book Values  Chapter 6  Accrual Accounting and Valuation:Pricing EarningsPART TWO  THE ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS  Chapter 7  Business Activities and Financial Statements  Chapter 8  The Analysis of the Statement of Shareholders'Equity  Chapter 9  The Analysis of the Balance Sheet and Income Statement  Chapter 10  The Analysis of the Cash Flow Statement  Chapter 11  The Analysis of Profitability  Chapter 12  The Analysis of Growth and Sustainable EarningsPART THREE  FORECASTING AND VALUATION ANALYSIS  Chapter 13  The Value of Operations and the Evaluation of Enterprise Price-to-Book Ratios and Price-Earnings Ratios  Chapter 14  Simple Forecasting and Simple Valuation  Chapter 15  Full-Information Forecasting,Valuation,and Business Strategy AnalysisPART FOUR  ACCOUNTING ANALYSIS AND VALUATION  Chapter 16  Creating Accounting Value and Economic Value  Chapter 17  Analysis of the Quality of Financial StatementsPART FIVE  THE ANALYSIS OF RISK  Chapter 18  The Analysis of Equity Risk and the Cost of Capital  Chapter 19  The Analysis of Credit RiskAppendixA Summary of FormulasIndex


  VALUE-AT-RISK PROFILING  In Figure 18.1 risk was depicted as a distribution ofpossible return outcomes. Each possible return implies a valuation-how much the investor would be willing to pay for that return-so risk can also be depicted as a distribution of values. Plotting that distribution of values-depicting how value might differ from expected value-prepares a value-at-risk profile.  Cast back to the full-information, pro forma financial statement forecasting in Chap-ter 15. Following the template laid out there, we forecasted operating income and net operating assets for the simple firm PPE Inc. and, from the forecasts, calculated forecasted residual operating income. We then converted these forecasts to a valuation. The pro forma financial statements that we prepared were based on expected sales, profit margins, and turnovers. But expected values are averages of a whole range of possible outcomes and the distribution of outcomes determines the risk of the investment. Value-at-risk profiles are developed by preparing pro forma financial statements for each possible outcome and then calculating the values for each outcome.  To develop value-at-risk profiles, follow the five steps outlined next.  1.Identfy economic factors that will affect the risk drivers in Figure 18.3. Like valuation more generally, identifying these factors requires "knowing the business." Consider airlines. What factors affect airlines' profits? General economic conditions affect asset turnover risk since airlines sell fewer tickets at lower prices on fixed capacity in reces-sions than in boom times. Airlines are subject to shocks in oil prices, affecting expense risk. Airlines are subject to changes in government regulation, afFecting growth risk. Airlines are subject to price challenges from competitors and new entrants to the in-dustry, affecting RNOA and growth risk.  2.Identfy risk protection mechanisms in place within the firm. An airline may hedge oil prices to reduce the effects of oil price shocks. Currency risk may be hedged. Incorpo-ration is a risk-protection device to limit liability. The investigation of risk exposures is part of knowing the business. Indeed, the aspects of business that are exposed to risk really define the business. If a gold company hedges its gold reserves against changes in the price of gold, it creates a gofd mining business (with risk in production costs) rather than a gold mining and trading business (with risk in roduction costs and sale prices). If a downstream oil company hedges oil prices, an investor should realize that she is buying a firm that is more like a marketing company than an oil company.  A firm hedging currency risk has decided that it is not in the business of trading curren-cies. If a firm hedges all risks, the investor is buying an investment that is more like the risk-free asset than an equity.  Disclosure is important to the discovery of risk exposure. Look at the derivatives and financial instrument disclosures. Examine the management discussion and analy-sis. Just as poor disclosure frustrates the identification of operating assets (what busi-ness the firm really is in), so poor disclosure frustrates discovery of risk exposures. A manager seeking to maximize the market value of the firm indicates clearly what type of business the firm is in and so attracts investors who seek the risk and returns to that type of business. If she fails to disclose exposures, she imposes disclosure risk on the investor.  ……


  《财务报表分析与证券价值评估》(第3版)(英文改编版):概念框架:《财务报表分析与证券价值评估》(第3版)(英文改编版)首先建立了一个概念框架,以帮助读者理解企业如何运行、如何创造价值以及财务报表如何反映这些价值,并将企业运行的相关知识转化为价值评估,使分析建立在合理的基础之上。  实践导向:《财务报表分析与证券价值评估》(第3版)(英文改编版)阐述了大量财务报表分析与投资分析中常用的分析工具,并以著名公司的实例阐述了这些工具的运用。各章后的“会计分析丁具”专栏则对该章中出现的实际分析工具进行了总结。  战略导向:将价值分析与战略分析融为一体。以会计为基础的价值评估:《财务报表分析与证券价值评估》(第3版)(英文改编版)关注赢利预测以及如何将赢利预测转化为价值评估,认为会计利润更好地反映了企业创造的价值。在处理应计项目时,有机地将资产负债表与损益表结合在一起,从而使财务报表“活”了起来。  整合会计与金融:《财务报表分析与证券价值评估》(第3版)(英文改编版)将财务报表分析与基本面分析整合在一起,从而将会计的有关概念与金融的有关概念有机地结合在一起,将会计视为评价过程,会计准则被融入计价的准则之中。  行为主义方法:与市场有效假说的理念不同,《财务报表分析与证券价值评估》(第3版)(英文改编版)展示了积极的投资者如何在合理分析的基础上挑战市场、发现市场的错误定价从而获取超额利润的过程。




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用户评论 (总计49条)


  •   学校财务报表分析课的课本,内容很经典。
  •   和麦肯锡价值评估一样经典
  •   这本书的作者是非常资深的一位会计理论研究者,我在很多其他的外国会计书上看见提及此书作者的著作
  •   学校财报分析的课本,内容很不错。
  •   这本书很不错,里面的内容也非常有价值!可惜有部分删节,不知道删除的是什么
  •   书皮是中文的,但内容是英文的,看上去还是很费力的,但内容很充实。
  •   删节部分与原版对比过,删的并不多,而且多是客户练习案例被删掉一俩个,
    原著最后的附录APPENDIX 被删了。总共少了40几页,这些内容无关紧要,不影响阅读的。


  •   英文版的毕翻译版好多了,读起来很好
  •   英文版,很厚很耐读,为毕业论文准备,顺便也提升英文
  •   老师推荐的,很不错的原版书,受益匪浅,书中的体系很完善,内容丰富.正在研读中.
  •   老师强烈推荐的一本书。
  •   挺好的一本书,推荐。
  •   留着慢慢看,对工作很有帮助
  •   对工作很有帮助,还帮同事买了两本
  •   受益匪浅,许多有用的模型,视角也很新颖,还在阅读中,赞个
  •   看看人家老外的教材
  •   很值得一看!!!
  •   外语的 慢慢看
  •   学校用书,课本,书很好,价位偏贵
  •   送货很及时,周二下订单周四就送到了
  •   我这周买到第四版了,是今年6月份才出的进口原版,花了差不多300块,但值了,这是绝对的好书。
  •   平时可以查查
  •   通俗易懂,由浅入深
  •   刚收到书,慢慢品尝
  •   本书的最大特色就是:从分析师角度探讨企业谋求利润增加的手段,如利用会计变更,一些会计项目计量方式的不同,可以平滑利润。这就是本书的重点,如存货、递延所得税这两个重点会计项目。   本书也是CFA的指导书籍,与I级的Book3的FSA内容差不多,如果FSA理解不行的话,本书是最好的指导书
  •   是财报分析经典的书,但英文写得有些晦涩。
  •   书的印刷和装订质量都很好, 唯一遗憾的是书有删节。
  •   以前看了汉语翻译版的看的很痛苦,翻译的很不好所以买英文原版的看
  •   质量可靠。书跟图片一样。。书的内容非常详细,是这个领域一本非常不错的教材。
  •   是全英文的,看不懂,所以退货了,免费上门取书的
  •   书的内容比较完整,体系比较完整,公式齐全。
  •   内容挺好的,正是我需要的
  •   指定教材,应该还可以的吧~
  •   还没看没,感觉不错
  •   这书不错,正式我找了很久的。
  •   所謂改篇,按前言指刪去文化、經濟等不同觀點,占內容很少,不太影響閱讀。
  •   被一个北京工商大学的老师做了删改,很多不该删除的也删除了,强烈谴责以下!
  •   本来是非常非常好的书,可是国内的编者删什么内容嘛!完全破坏了原著的完整的感觉!不符合国内教学的内容部分打个星号不就可以了。又在里面保留原来的页码说可以查原著,费这么多事!不知道是怎么想的!!!强烈支持原版!
  •   里面内容全都是英文版的,书不错,建议尽快出中文版的!

  •   太过分了,什么免费配送!!!!都是骗人的,哪有活动搞得让人这么生气的,你们这不是搞坏自己名声嘛,与其这样还不如不搞,要搞也不要这么倒腾人呀。1到2个星期,说白了还不是2个星期!!!!!还不给送货公司电话,什么无法提供,狗屁,太气人了,什么制度,让人有气都没地出,真让人窝火好歹给个电话,又不是找你们当当麻烦,想了解下自己东西到哪了,有没有寄出都不行,真想骂人
  •      对于我这类新手,很多东西看得很吃力,特别是那个“超出设定的资本”一栏,直接崩了,Google上也找不到啊。
  •     全书传达的那种分析思想应当是未来会计发展和财务分析的主流,很好的书,案例老了点了,翻译质量确实差了点,可能会耽误新手的。第三版的出来了,希望出版社能重新翻译就好了!
  •     理念不错。但是具体细节有不少错误。建议读原版。翻译过来的很多都是不知所云。
  •   是的 对于 我这样的 新手 在读这本书的时候 确实 有点困难呀 不过 这本书整体 还是 不错的呀
  •   新手尤其建议你读原版。真的不希望你因为文字翻译的问题浪费时间。祝你顺利。
  •   经管类的书最好都看原版,虽然是英文看起来比较慢,但总比严重失真的中文翻译看得崩溃要好得多
  •   原版太耗时间了啊。
  •   很可能是非财务专业的英语专业的学生翻译的。连最基本的术语都不会翻。
  •   .....我去,我已经买了.....后悔

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