
出版时间:2008-12  出版社:北京大学出版社  作者:尼古拉斯·斯蒂芬斯 编  页数:167  


英国剑桥大学考试委员会根据欧洲语言测试者协会制定的语言大纲推出了“剑桥英语五级证书考试”,旨在推进欧洲语言测试者协会20多个成员国之间的英语水平相互认证。这一英语等级考试体系同时也被欧洲及英语国家广泛接受,当作出国留学或进入商务领域的语言水平认证。  根据运用语言的能力.“剑桥英语五级证书考试”的等级大致可描述为:入门证书水平(KET),即能够以英语就日常话题进行简单交流,是剑桥少儿英语三级之后进入更高阶段的第一个等级;初级证书水平(PET),即具备运用英语解决日常事务的能力;第一证书水平(FCE),即能够在商务环境下或就某些稍具专业性的话题进行交流,同时此水平的考试也被作为母语为非英语人员申请到欧洲留学的语言水平认证;高级英语证书考试水平(CAE)。即能够从文化层面上把握语言在各种场合下的应用,能够凭借英语进入某专业技术领域从事工作或初步具备了以英语作为工作语言进入学术领域的能力;英语熟练证书水平(CPE),即剑桥大学考试委员会认为母语为非英语的人士已经完全具备了以英语进行深度学术研究的能力。  《剑桥英语等级考试系列》就是在上述背景下引进的原版图书。本套图书是根据最新考试大纲而编写的考试教程。本套教程最大的亮点在于:  6套完整试题:  针对试卷的阅读与写作、听力理解、口语测试等每一部分都有详细的分析说明,并提供相应的考试技巧(见第一套试题):  每套试题后都有长达两页的重点词汇、语法及写作知识及考试技巧回顾:  每套试题的听力部分之后都有重点摘要及增补听力训练:  每种题型都有详细的应对说明.其中也包括以教师用书中的范文为支撑的完整写作指导。


IntroductionTest One Paper 1: Reading  An in-depth look  Exam technique  Hints on answering the multiple-choice questions (Part 1)  Test Paper 2: Writing  An in-depth look  Exam technique  Hints on writing a letter/email (Part 1)  Test Paper 3: Use of English  An in-depth look  Exam technique  Hints on answering the multiple-choicecloze passage (Part 1)  Test  Vocabulary Extension Paper 4: Listening  An in-depth look  Exam technique  Hints on answering the multiple-choice questions (Part 1)  Test Paper 5: Speaking  An in-depth look  Exam technique  Hints on answering personal questions (Part 1)  TestTest Two Paper 1: Reading  Hints on working with a gapped text(Part 2)  Test Paper 2: Writing  Hints on writing an informal letter (Part 2)  Test Paper 3: Use of English  Hints on how to gap-fill (Part 2)  Test Vocabulary Extension Paper 4: Listening  Hints on sentence completion (Part 2)  Test Paper 5: Speaking  Hints on comparing pictures (Part 2)  TestTest ThreeTest FourTest FiveTest Six


  In this part of the paper, you need to choose one word or phrase from a set of four (A, B, C or D) to fill a gap in thetext.  It is a good idea to read the text through quickly first to get an idea of what it is about.  When deciding which option is correct, you must remember that the correct meaning of the word is not always enough. Very often you need to look at the structure of the sentence or look for fixed phrases and collocations a well as phrasal verbs and linking words.  Answer all questions. Even if you guess, you have a 25% chance of success.  Here are a number of examples of multiple-choice cloze questions and what to look out for:Meaning  It may involve choosing a word according to meaning only. For example:It is common for to visit Delphi during the summer.  A observers   B spectatorsC sightseersD passers-by  The answer is sightseers because it fits in terms of meaning.  2 Grammar  It may involve choosing a word that fits in with the grammar of the sentence. For example:He never in reaching the source of the river.  A managed   B achieved   C arranged   D succeeded  The answer is succeeded, not because it fits in with the meaning but because it is the only one that is followed by in and a gerund.  3 Fixed phrase  It may involve choosing a word that fits in a set phrase. For example:Students rarely any notice of their landlords.  A paid     B took     C got   D brought  The answer is took because it is part of the phrase take notice of.  4 Collocation  It may involve choosing a word that usually goes together with another word. For example:  The road was once used by smugglers.  A curling  B rolling  C winding    D waving  The answer is winding because it is the only one that goes with road  5 Phrasal verbs  It may involve choosing a word that forms a phrasal verb with the correct meaning. For example:Scientists have been quick to out the problems with the new theory.  A point     B give     C let   D come  The answer is point, not because the other words do not form phrasal verbs with the word out, but becausepoint out fits in with the meaning of the sentence.



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  •   我教FCE考试好几年了,这本书是非常好的考试辅导材料。难度和真题很接近。
  •   考试用书很好
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  •   老师推荐的考FCE用的备考资料,不错
  •   非常不错!省的到处找书店了,快递速度超快
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  •   好哈哈哈哈好久 好
  •   正版书,实惠便宜,送货上门
  •   我急需答案请回复
  •   书的质量不错p
  •   正版,第二天就收到货了,当当太给力了.刚好有活动满88元减8元
  •   PET考试时做过这套书,但是好像教师用书少一本
  •   还好 期待新版本
  •   好像没答案。
  •   課程內容實用
  •   我要再购买《剑桥第一证书英语考试教程1》2本,但缺货,请告知什么时候才有货? 和《剑桥第一证书英语考试教程2》1本, 我要一起买。谢谢!
  •   不是我想要的那本-我想要买的是-第一英语证书。
  •   本书的内容不错,但是最大的缺点就是没答案。很费劲地买到了教师用书,结果和学生用书的内容完全一样,只是多了标示正确答案的几个字母,一丁点的讲解都没有,坑爹啊!

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