
出版时间:2009-8  出版社:北京大学出版社  作者:王玉环,(美)沃尔什 主编  页数:139  




What is the organization of College Writing 1?What student competencies are covered in College Writing 1?What are the features of the Writing books?Chapter 1  Who Are You?  Writing Assignment 1: Describe yourself  Writing Assignment 2: Describe your classmate  Writing Assignment 3: Describe experiences with tests  Writing Assignment 4: Explain something about college  Writing Assignment 5: Tell your instructor about yourself    Additional Topics for More Practice and Assessment Reflection on Chapter 1Chapter 2  Learning Styles  Writing Assignment 1: Describe your learning style  Writing Assignment 2: Explore learning strategies    Additional Topics for More Practice and Assessment Reflection on Chapter 2Chapter 3  Who Will You Be? Settin9 Goals and Making Decisiens  Writing Assignment 1: Set a specific goal and tell how you will reach it  Writing Assignment 2: Describe the real you  Writing Assignment 3: Make a decisio'n using matrices    Additional Topics for More Practice and Assessment Reflection on Chapter 3Chapter 4  Balancing Responsibilities  Writing Assignment t : Explain how you manage time  Writing Assignment 2: Describe a worry  Writing Assignment 3: Give advice to a student facing a dilemma  Writing Assignment 4: Explore pros and cons of credit cards  Writing Assignment 5: Conduct a case study analysis with a group    Additional Topics for More Practice and Assessment Reflection on Chapter 4Chapter 5  Technology and You  Writing Assignment 1: Explore technology in college  Writing Assignment 2: Describe your most useful technology  Writing Assignment 3: Discuss rules for cell phone use  Writing Assignment 4: Send an e-mail message to your instructor    Additional Topics for More Practice and Assessment Reflection on Chapter 5



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