
出版时间:2009-9  出版社:北京大学出版社  作者:(美)马杜拉|改编:张俊瑞  页数:538  




《国际财务管理》(第9版)结合国际财务理论的基础和当前实际应用,对边缘国际财务问题既做出了传统解释又提供了全新的阐述。本书以其阅读简便、解释清晰,广泛使用插图、现实应用和以学生为导向而闻名,适合本科和硕士阶段的国际财务管理及相关课程使用。    本书的设计充分考虑到了教师的独特风格以便于其在授课中强化关键概念。本书提供了许多强化关键概念的方法,其中特点最为鲜明的有:    ◎图表 每篇开始都有一个图表,说明该篇所涉及的关键概念之间如何相关。这提供了一些关于该篇章节编排的信息。       ◎正方反方 提出一个有争议的问题以及关于此问题的两种相反的观点,要求学生判定哪种说法是正确的,并解释为什么。        ◎连续案例 每章末的连续案例使得学生能够使用关键概念来解决布雷泽(Blades)公司(轮滑鞋生产商)遇到的问题。在一个学期里,通过研究同一个跨国公司的一系列连续案例,学生就会明白如何对一个跨国公司进行综合决策。        ◎小企业困境 每章末的“小企业困境”使学生设身处地,运用该章所学概念就一个名叫体育用品出口公司的小型跨国公司做出决策。    ◎互联网/Excel练习 每章末都有练习,或使学生获得适用的网站信息,或使之能够将Excel运用于相关主题,或者二者兼而有之。例如,学生可学习如何在线获取汇率信息,并运用Excel来度量处于风险中的价值。    ◎经营你自己的跨国公司 该项目要求每个学生创立一个小型的国际企业,并要求学生在整个学期里运用各章的关键概念来经营该企业。


杰夫·马杜拉(Jeff Madura),美国佛罗里达大西洋大学(Florida Atlantic University)所属的太阳信托银行(SunTrust Bank)的财务学教授。他编著过多本教材,其中包括《金融市场和金融机构》。他在国际金融方面的研究成果已在多种一流学术期刊发表。他因在教学和科研上


Part 1: The International Financial Environment  1.Multinational Financial Management: An Overview    2.Exchangc Rate Determination    3.Currency Derivatives  Part 2: Exchange Rate Behavior  4.International Arbitrage and Interest Rate Parity    5.Relationships among Inflation, Interest Rates, and Exchange Rates  Part 3: Exchange Rate Risk Management  6.Forecasting Exchange Ratcs    7.Measuring Exposure to Exchange Rate Fluctuations    8.Managing Transaction Exposure  205  9.Managing Economic Exposurc and Translation Exposure  Part 4: Long-Term Asset and Liability Management  10.Dircct Foreign Invcstnlent    11.Multinational Capital Budgeting    12.International Acquisitions    13.Country Risk Analysis    14.Multinational Cost of Capital and Capital Structure    15.Long-Term Financing  Part 5: Short-Term Asset and Liability Management  16.Financing International Trade    17.Short-Term Financing    18.International Cash Management  Appendix A: Answers to Self Test Questions  Appendix B: Supplemental Cases  Appendix C: International Investing Project  Glossary


插图:As mentioned previously, currency bull spreads can be constructed just as easily with put options as with call options. To construct a put bull spread, the spreader would again buy a put option with a lower exercise price and write a put option with a higher exercise price. The basic arithmetic involved in constructing a put bull spread is thus essentially the same as for a call bull spread, with one important difference, as discussed next.Recall that there is a positive relationship between the level of the existing spot price relative to the strike price and the call option premium. Consequently, the option with the higher exercise price that is written in a call bull spread will have the lower option premium, everything else being equal. Thus, buying the call option with the lower exercise price and writing the call option with the higher exercise price involves a cash outflow for the bull spreader. For this reason, call bull spreads fall into a broader category of spreads called debit spreads. Also recall that the lower the spot rate relative to the strike price, the higher the put option premium will be. Consequently, the option with the higher strike price that is written in a put bull spread will have the higher option premium, everything else being equal. Thus, buying the put option with the lower exercise price and writing the put option with the higher exercise price in a put bull spread results in a cash inflow for the bull spreader. For this reason, put bull spreads fall into a broader category of spreads called credit spreads. Speculating with Currency Bull SpreadsThe speculator who constructs a currency bull spread trades profit potential for a reduced cost of establishing the position. Ideally, the underlying currency will appreciate to the higher exercise price but not far above it. Although the speculator would still realize the maximum gain of the bull spread in this case, he or she would incur significant opportunity costs if the underlying currency appreciates much above the higher exercise price. Speculating with currency bull spreads is appropriate for currencies that are expected to appreciate slightly until the expiration date. Since the bull spread involves both buying and writing options for the underlying currency, bull spreads can be relatively cheap to construct and will not result in large losses if the currency depreciates. Conversely, bull spreads are useful tools to generate additional income for speculators.





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  •   英文版 比较适合学财务管理的
  •   教材而已~说不上好坏~但这个改编版有点坑,删了好几章内容,还是红色封皮的那个翻译版好,可惜当时卖光了
  •   纸质很好,不逊色于从香港专门买回来的,学起来很有感觉……
  •   给老公定的
  •   玩的不错!
  •   反正是课本没啥好不好的...倒是书的质量还不错~
  •   很好,非常好的书,值得一买。
  •   知识点比较全面,有助于初学者自学
  •   老师强烈推荐,经典之作,质量很不错哦
  •   这是改编本,删减一些章节,建议没有金融学基础知识的同学参考全章节的版本更好理解。这本书编得还是很好的,一学期下来也觉得很顺手,不过还是要多做习题才会有感觉的,习题也有英文版的,网上可以找找看~
  •   很好,很多人一起买的,纸张很好
  •   非常好的一本介绍国际金融实际应用的书,学校选用的教材,难度适中,写得很不错
  •   挺好,纸质价格都还可以,

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