
出版时间:2011-3  出版社:北京大学出版社  作者:舒一兵  页数:151  


  《中美国别文化比较教程2》是一部以比较文化学的视角.在中美国别文化比较中引导汉语学习者了解中国文化,并掌握一定汉语技能的教科书。《中美国别文化比较教程2》分上下两册,共30课每课包括课文、词汇、课文理解、信息链接、资料搜集和拓展活动等部分。  每课课文在同一主题下分别展示中美文化的异同。从而通过比较加深学生对中国文化的理解。其主题内容涉及国家概况、日常生活、休闲娱乐、教育、政治与社会、经济与文化以及民族性格等多个方面。课后附英语译文。  各课练习首先通过判断、选择、问答等形式考查学生对课文内容的理解.进而通过资料搜集、探索、讨论和报告等形式帮助学生对某一中国文化专题进行深入的分析研究和探讨,强调自主学习的任务性与互动性。书后附有部分练习参考答案。  《中美国别文化比较教程2》适合美国汉语学习者及其他对中美文化感兴趣的学习者作为课堂教材使用,也可作为了解中美文化的一般读物。


第十六课 校服和牛仔裤第十七课 我的课 堂第十八课 男生和女生第十九课 作业和考试第二十课 我的学校第二十一课 街道办事处和社区委员会第二十二课 农民第二十三课 选举第二十四课 共和与联邦第二十五课 战争与和平第二十六课 中国制造和美国制造第二十七课 袜子和飞机第二十八课 京剧和好莱坞第二十九课 相声和脱口秀第三十课 我爱你部分练习答案词汇总表


  In Chinese history, the appointment of governmental officials has three phases approximately, namely the recommendation system before the Sui Dynasty ( AD 581 -618), the imperial examination system from the Sui Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty ( AD1616- 1912), and the election system from 1912 to the present. Compared to the history from other countries, the constitution and implementation of Chinese election is different. The election system is determined by the national conditions of China.  According to the China's constitution, all the power of state belongs to the people, the people's congress is an organization whereby people execute state power, and the representatives of the people's congress are elected through democratic election, representing the fundamental will of the people.  Meanwhile, the local organizations in China cities and villages——community committee and villager committee are also elected through democratic election.  China has eight hundred million peasants, compared to the town residents; both of their living conditions and education are lower. Therefore, with the biggest peasant- group voters, the election for villager committee can't be the same as the one for the community committee based on town residents in form and content.  Although some components of the Chinese election still need to be perfected continuously, the current election system corresponds to the Chinese condition and personal desire of the people.  Since 1911, the end of Chinese feudalism system, no matter whether in a period of Republic of China or Peop  e's Republic of China, the concomitant of a big party and several small parties has been a basic political complexion; the rotating reign of parties has never happened. The election system based on a two-party system and organizing- the-cabinet system has no deep foundation in history, society and politics of China.  ……




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