
出版时间:2009-5  出版社:清华大学出版社  作者:麦克米兰  页数:339  


The study of data structures and algorithms is critical to the developmentof the professional programmer. There are many, many books written ondata structures and algorithms, but these books are usually written as collegetextbooks and are written using the programming languages typically taughtin college——Java or C++. C# is becoming a very popular language and thisbook provides the C# programmer with the opportunity to study fundamentaldata structures and algorithms. C# exists in a very rich development environment called the .NET Frame-work. Included in the .NET Framework library is a set of data structure classes(also called collection classes), which range from the Array, ArrayList, andCollection classes to the Stack and Queue classes and to the HashTable andthe SortedList classes. The data structures and algorithms student can now seehow to use a data structure before learning how to implement it. Previously,an instructor had to discuss the concept of, say, a stack, abstractly until thecomplete data structure was constructed. Instructors can now show studentshow to use a stack to perform some computation, such as number base con-versions, demonstrating the utility of the data structure immediately. Withthis background, the student can then go back and learn the fundamentals ofthe data structure (or algorithm) and even build their own implementation. This book is written primarily as a practical overview of the data struc-tures and algorithms all serious computer programmers need to know andunderstand. Given this, there is no formal analysis of the data structures andalgorithms covered in the book. Hence, there is not a single mathematicalformula and not one mention of Big Oh analysis (if you don't know what thismeans, look at any of the books mentioned in the bibliography). Instead, thevarious data structures and algorithms are presented as problem-solving tools.


本书是第一本关于在.NET框架下用C#语言实现数据结构与算法的教材。本书内容丰富,不仅涵盖了基本数据结构与算法的知识,而且还介绍了诸如可靠性算法和动态程序设计之类的高等数据结构的内容。本书的实用性强,介绍了数组与数组列表、链表、哈希表、词典、树、图,以及查找与排序算法,并且还介绍一些高等数据结构算法,如可靠性算法、动态程序设计等。    本书是C#专业人员和学生学习数据结构与算法的很好用书。


作者:(美国) 麦克米兰 (Mcmillan.M)


PrefaceChapter 1 An Introduction to Collections,Generics,and the Timing ClassChapter 2 Arrays and ArrayListsChapter 3 Basic Sorting AlgorithmsChapter 4 Basic Searching AlgorithmsChapter 5 Stacks and QueuesChaIpter 6 The BitArray ClassChaIpter 7 Strings,the String Class,and the StringBuilder ClassChaIpter 8 Pattern Matching and Text ProcessingChapter 9 Building Dictionaries:The DictionaryBase CIass and the SortedList ClassChapter 10 Hashing and the Hashtable ClassChapter 11 Linked ListsChapter 12 Binary Trees and Binary Search TreesChapter 13 SetsChapter 14 Advanced Sorting AlgorithmsChapter 15 Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms for SearchingChapter 16 Graphs and Graph AlgorithmsChapter 17 Advanced Algorithms References


插图:SUMMARYThis chapter reviews three important techniques we will use often in this book.Many, though not all of the programs we will write, as well as the libraries wewill discuss, are written in an object-oriented manner. The Collection classwe developed illustrates many of the basic OOP concepts seen throughoutthese chapters. Generic programming allows the programmer to simplify thedefinition of several data structures by limiting the number of methods thathave to be written or overloaded. The Timing class provides a simple, yeteffective way to measure the performance of the data structures and algorithmswe will study.






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用户评论 (总计16条)


  •   这次的书《数据结构与算法 C#语言版》清华大学出版社,太旧了,旧得太过分了。一看就像二手市场旧书市场淘回来的,真是太过分!!!对于我这样的当当网的老顾客这样的做法太过分!!!下次再有这样的情况绝对拒收!!!
  •   书中错误有很多

  •   这本书的特点1.介绍了数据结构的经典内容,没有遗漏2.同时发挥C#语言的优势和语言特性结合紧密3.英文版没有中文版翻译过程造成的信息丢失4.丰富的代码示例受益匪浅
  •   C#版的数据结构书很少,看完这本书还是很有收获的
  •   好像现在用C#描述数据结构的书还真不多,呵,决定好好学习一下
  •   很好,不难阅读
  •   虽然看起来有点儿吃力,不过看原版的就是不一样,比翻译的好多了
  •   内容不错,不过E文不佳的,最好看中文版的。
  •   正在阅读中,感觉不错,是全英文的,不过加上金山词霸,有助于学习英语呢!
  •   还行,基本概念讲得挺清楚,有些印刷错误
  •   书不错,可以锻炼英语,也能学点东西
  •   英文原版的还可以,比较通俗易懂
  •   虽然8.2折,不过比译本便宜多了!还是原版的好啊,这书的译本实在无奈。。。难怪译本不行,原版的书里面存在N多错误,这书的作者也太业余了吧!
  •   买回来发现是英文版的,看起来太吃力了。
  •   少页,页面互相交错。直接从38页就到47页了。看着简直崩溃。过了退货期限了,能退吗?给0分。
  •   温习一下算法,还可以学习一下英语。很多算法结合了C#语言的特点,还是挺好的。

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