
出版时间:2011-5  出版社:清华大学出版社  作者:(美)琼斯,乔治 著  页数:459  




作者:(美国)乔治(Gareth R.Jones) (美国)琼斯(Jennifer M.George)


第1部分 管理与管理者
 第1章 当今的管理过程
 附录a 管理思想演变
 第2章 价值、态度、情感与文化:作为个人的管理者
第2部分 管理的环境
 第4章 在全球化环境中管理
第3部分 计划、决策和竞争优势
 第5章 决策、学习、创造性和企业家精神
 第6章 计划、战略和竞争优势
第4部分 组织与变革
 第8章 控制、变革和企业家精神
第5部分 领导个人和群体
 第9章 激励
 第10章 领导者与领导
 第11章 有效的团队管理
 第12章 建设和管理人力资源
第6部分 控制基本运作和流程
 第14章 运作管理:管理关键运作和流程
 附录b 职业发展


版权页:插图:Today, another challenge facing managers and organizations is global crisis manage-ment. The causes of global crises or disasters fall into three main categories: naturalcauses, man-made causes, and international terrorism and geopolitical conflicts. Crisesthat arise because of natural causes include the hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes,famines, and diseases that have devastated so many countries in the 2000s; hardly anycountry has been left untouched by their effects. Java, for example, which was inun-dated by the huge Pacific tsunami of 2004, experienced a devastating earthquake in2006 that also killed thousands of people and left tens of thousands more homeless.   Man-made crises are the result of factors such as global warming, pollution, andthe destruction of the natural habitat or environment. Pollution, for example, hasbecome an increasingly significant problem for companies and countries to deal with.Companies in heavy industries such as coal and steel have polluted millions of acres ofland around major cities in eastern Europe and Asia; bilfion-dollar cleanups are neces-sary. The 1986 Chernobyl nuclear power plant meltdown released over 1,540 timesas much radiation into the air as occurred at Hiroshima; over 50,000 people died as aresult, while hundreds of thousands more have been affected.   Man-made crises, suas global warming due to emissions of carbon dioxide and othergases, may have made the effects of natural disasters more serious. For example, increasingglobal temperatures and acid rain may have increased the intensity of hurricanes, led tounusually strong rains, and contributed to lengthy droughts. Scientists axe convinced thatglobal warming is responsible for the destruction of coral reefs (which are disappearing ata fast rate), forests, animal species, and the natural habitat in many parts of the world. Theshrinking polar ice caps are expected to raise the sea level by a few, but vital, inches.   Finally, increasing geopolitical tensions, which are partly the result of the speedof the globalization process itself, have upset the balance of world power as differentcountries and geographic regions attempt to protect their own economic and politicalinterests. Rising oil prices, for example, have strengthened the bargaining power ofmajor oil-supplying countries. This has led the United States to adopt global politicalstrategies, including its war on terrorism, to secure the supply of oil vital to protect itsnational interest. In a similar way, countries in Europe have been forming contractsand allying with Russia to obtain its supply of natural gas, and Japan and China havebeen negotiating with Iran and Saudi Arabia. The rise of global terrorism and terroristgroups is to a large degree the result of changing political, social, and economic condi-tions that have made it easier for extremists to influence whole countries and cultures.Management has an important role to play in helping people, organizations, andcountries respond to global crises because it provides lessons on how to plan, organize,lead, and control the resources needed to both forestall and respond effectively to acrisis. Crisis management involves making important choices about how to (1) createteams to facilitate rapid decision making and communication,(2)establish the orga-nizational chain of command and reporting relationships necessary to mobilize a fastresponse,(3recruit and select the right people to lead and work in such teams, and (4)develop bargaining and negotiating strategies to manage the conflicts that arise when-ever people and groups have different interests and objectives. How well managersmake such decisions determines how quickly an effective response to a crisis can beimplemented, and it sometimes can prevent or reduce the severity of the crisis itself.






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  •   原版书就是好,等级较高,专业点的人读着好。
  •   外国人写书很注重实例,有例子在阅读很好懂。其次,国外人的思想很细致。比较欣赏
  •   外文书原汁原味
  •   全英文管理教材,不错
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