
出版时间:2001-8  出版社:中央广播电视大学出版  作者:格菲  页数:201  字数:441000  


《国际商务交际》是根据美国South-western college Publishing出版的Business communication-process & Product改编的,考虑到具有中等英语水平的读者学习的需要,对内容做了某些调整和删节,每个Chapter之后补充了Words & Notes。这套商务英语教材从不同的侧面系统介绍了商务活动中常用的交际手段和交际技巧。    本书内容包括:1工作中的交际;2团队中的交际;3跨文化交际;4商务写作的准备工作;5商务信函的构思与写作;6商务信函的修改。


CHAPTER 1 COMMUNICATING AT WORK  cose study: communication in process:pillsbury's restructuing  discombodulatse employees   encuring that you succed in the workplace  career coach:five common myths about writing on the jod   career coach:sharpening you skills for critical thinking   problem solving and decision making   examining the process of communication   overcoming imterpersonal communiaction barriers   communicating in organizations   thch talk:tips for comtrolling the e-mail minster  improving the flow of infomation in organzations  facing increasing ethical thallenges  strengthening your communication skills   cummary of you communication ckills   summary of learning objectives  case study:process to product:applying your skills   at pillsbury  chapter thinking  actuvities  words ¬esCHAPTER 2 COMMUNICATING IN TEAMS;LISTENING,NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION,COLLABORATION,AND MEETLNG SKILLSCHAPTER 3 COMMUNICATING ACROSS CULTURESCHAPTER 4 PREPARING TO WRITE BUSINESS MESSAGESCHAPTER 5 ORGANZING AND WRITING BUSINESS MESSAGES


  Explain the relationship between ethnocentrism, tolerance, and stereotypes in achieving multicultural sensitivity. Identify the six stages of multicultural transformation. Ethnocentrism refers to a feeling that the cultureyou belong to is superior to all others and holds all truths. To function effectivelyin a global economy, we must develop knowledge of and tolerance for other cultures. We also need to move beyond stereotypes, which are oversimplified behav-ioral patterns applied uncritically to groups. To achieve multicultural sensitivity, weshould discover and value individual personal qualities. The first stage of multi-cultural transformation is denial, in which we refuse to admit that cultural differences exist among people. The second stage, defense, involves protecting our ownworldview to counter the perceived threat of cultural difference. In the third stage,minimization, we conceal differences in the shadow of cultural similarities; differences are trivialized. The fourth stage includes acceptance, wherein we begin to accept the existence of behavioral differences. In the fifth stage, adaptation, we becomeempathic toward cultural differences; and in the sixth stage, integration, we lookupon cultural differences as a means of enriching our lives.




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