
出版时间:2009-2  出版社:南京大学  作者:梁起//刘琴  页数:188  字数:154000  




1. Mr. Smith and his wife
2. My brother is busy!
3. TV in our lives
4. Big fish and small fish
5. Sandwich
6. Half mad, not quite mad
7. Mr. Brown and his wife
8. They came to see me off
9. Working in a book shop
10. Learning English
11. How handsome I am!
12. Deserts
13. Mary and her teacher
14. The seats are too small
15. Mrs. Green's telephone number
16. I'll start in three months
17. I want to be a dustman
18. An old lady in a plane
19. A girl or a boy, a woman or a man?
20. What will happen to me?
21. At the barber's shop
22. Believe straw, not believe feet?
23. Mr. Perkin's new car
24. Where is your father?
25. The sun, the moon and the earth
26. Mary and four cousins
27. Dick
28. A golden watch
29. Father Christmas
30. The nation on wheels
31. Weather and men
32. A strange writing letter
33. Something better than gold
34. Breathing is even important
35. Two farmers
36. In a food factory
37. Seeing the horse eat fish
38. He knows the future!
39. More lucky in life
40. Guessing in learning a foreign language
41. Whether bees can see colours
42. Mr. Dane and a thief
43. Life is full of surprises
44. The keep dog
45. Your passport please!
46. Have to pay
47. Cross the roads safely
48. A judge and his neighbor
49. The farmer, his horse, and his son
50. How basketball got its name
51. A thief's letter
52. The dog does the same work as me!
53. Money
54. The lost ring
55. You've dropped your manners
56. The thief and the goose
57. A sentence with five "and"
58. Thank God for saving me
59. A famous English painter
60. A rich man and his servant
61. Hong Kong
62. I've gone out in my boots
63. I'll wait for you at the front door
64. Newspapers
65. A man and his daughter
66. A small red car
67. Jules Verns
68. Modern English, Middle English and Old English
69. Communication
70. Who has more questions?
71. Resource
72. Today's American families
73. Have a good memory
74. Can animals be made to work for us
75. An English traveller
76. Dr. Robot
77. John Hancock
78. Oil
79. A beautiful piece of glass
80. Put me into prison!
81. Which hotel are my things in?
82. A busy doctor and his rich patient
83. My little brother
84. It's just a bookshelf
85. American football
86. The oldest pine tree
87. How foolish we were
88. Who would hear what I said earlier?
89. SOS Children's Village
90. Satellites and the weather
91. I hate spending money
92. A selfish man
93. A football game
94. The changeable weather
95. It must be another man
96. It was only a joke!
97. A trip to the forest
98. How to make words
99. Einstein's driver
100. I'm the doctor!


  Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it. It is true. People usually begin their talks with "Isnt it a nice day?" "Do you think it will rain?" "What a fineday !" etc.  Many people think they can tell what the weather is going to be like. But they hardly agree with each other. One man may say, "Do you see how cloudy it is in the east? Its going to rain tomorrow. " Another man will say, "No, its going to be fine to- morrow. "  People often look for the weather they want. When a farm- er needs water, he looks for something to tell him its going to rain:he wont believe anything else. When friends have a trav- el, they are sure the weather is going to clear up very quickly.  Almost everyone listens to what the weather man says. But he doesnt always tell us what we want, and once in a while he makes a mistake. Still, he probably comes closer to being cor- rect than anyone else.



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用户评论 (总计34条)


  •   以前买了5年级的这个版本,感觉里面的文章很地道,通过做这本书的题目能扩大孩子的英语词汇量,值得一买.
  •   每天一篇,有助于提高英语阅读能力
  •   儿子很爱做,难易程度合适
  •   给小学的同学做些阅读练习,还是不错的
  •   很好,阶梯训练,能够积累词汇
  •   这套书1-4年级一直买的,所以下载追加了高年级的,很好!老师要求这本。这本是新版比旧版多几篇
  •   阅读材料适合孩子。
  •   学校老师推荐,对孩子学习有帮助,是一本不错的课外辅导书。
  •   很不错,难度不是很大,适合中词汇量不是很大的孩子看。
  •   内容丰富,知识性强,易学易懂。
  •   给六年级的孩子买的,很喜欢
  •   辅导孩子,这是一套很好的书。内容很是集中。不花哨。非常实用。
  •   儿子还没做,希望对他有帮助
  •   一如既往的好,孩子一直在做。
  •   好书,我们家差不多所有的书都在当当网买的,有折扣,便宜
  •   孩子练习选它
  •   一直坚持给儿子做,儿子很喜欢里面的文章
  •   老师让买的,看起来不错
  •   很好,而且快。下次再来。
  •   我看着不错,估计孩子也能大致看懂
  •   暑假里做练习用,每天1-2课,还是挺不错的!
  •   老师介绍的,不错哦!
  •   因为语文的这套书一直买,才发现也出英语的,这书很适合孩子阅读,而且没有译文更有利于孩子,否则孩子还是会去依赖译文,这是我买这书最主要的原因.很不错也会像语文一样接着买.
  •   很好,老师要买的
  •   学习课外辅导书,对英语阅读训练有帮助。
  •   还不错,就是略微有点难了,需要家长帮助理解文章,一起完成阅读。
  •   每天一篇短阅读提高阅读能力很好的。
  •   对小学生(6年级)很实用
  •   还没阅读。先买来放着,下学期在看。
  •   适合基础一般的孩子使用
  •   里面的文章切合实际,挺好的。
  •   老师推荐的,能坚持做完的话,应该不错的。
  •   这是一个订单中的第二个包裹。第一个包裹中一套书(5年级)有残页,当时收到后我即申请退;但是当当非要我等收齐订单后才行。希望首次发生的换货成功
  •   书中有多处语法及单词错误。

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