
出版时间:2009-8  出版社:南京大学出版社  作者:吕浙,金民,凌达 编,杨波 编  页数:209  字数:270000  


本书的特点    (1)权威性 体现国家《英语课程标隹》理念,借鉴“任务型学习(task—based lea rning)”原则,选材符合学生实际能力,有助于学生形成“广泛的的阅读兴趣和良好的阅读习惯”,培养英语信息的获取与处理能力,为高考乃至今后的可持续发展奠定基础。    (2)趣味性 激发学生英语学习兴趣,围绕课本中学生熟悉而有兴趣的话题和国内外最新的英语书刊以及各地高考经典题型,选材新颖多样,趣味生动,时代感强。    (3)实用性 围绕阅读理解、任务型阅读理解、完形填空等与高考接轨的常见题型,每篇材料均给出了建议完成时间,既方便老师当堂检测,也便于学生课后自测。


Unit 1  A Multipolar WorldUnit 2 The Uniqueness of Finger-printsUnit 3 Delicious Writing  Unit 4 American DreamUnit 5 The WiIdest Water SportUnit 6 Japanese Preschool EducationUnit 7 Attitudes towards IAfeUnit 8 The Sinking of the Russian Nuclear SubmarineUnit 9 0n StageUnit 10 Wealth TycoonUnit 11 A Narrow Escape through the Car BootUnit 12 AdvertisementsUnit 13 Chevrons Painted on the RoadsUnit 14 Colds:Not Caused by ColdUnit 15 Advantages of Resinous Glasses-Unit 16 A Characteristic of American Culture  Unit 17 The Evolution of English  Unit 18 Facing the MusicUnit 19 Three Travell BooksUnit 20 What a Person’S Age TellsUnit 21 American Adventure StoryUnit 22 The Importance of PersuasionUnit 23 Lending a Hand.Getting into TroubleUnit 24 We Are Equal!  Unit 25 Development or DestructionUnit 26 A Strange Tentative Teaching Idea in EnglandUnit 27 Liu Xiang Will Resume Trainin9Unit 28 Telepathy:Mind-to-mind Contact  Unit 29 Success or Worry  Unit 30 Microwave HeatersUnit 31 Computers or PapersUnit 32 Viesturs’Achievements in Climbing MountainsKeys



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