
出版时间:2011-10  出版社:复旦大学出版社  作者:刘玉珍,张亦琳 编  页数:220  




Unit 1 开闭幕式Unit 2 商业赞助Unit 3 招展招商Unit 4 预订展台Unit 5 就展位议价Unit 6 展会服务Unit 7 客户调查Unit 8 展后物流Unit 9 会后旅游Unit 10 展会评价Key to ExercisesAudio Scripts


  At the mention of sponsorship,many people immediately think of donations,pubic welfare andcharity.In fact,this is a misunderstanding of the concept of sponsorship.What is sponsorship? The firstdefinition of sponsorship is made by Meenaghan.He said in 1983:“Sponsorship is that a commercialin stitution wants to achieve some kind of commercial purposes to provide financial or charitable supportof the activities.”This definition of sponsorship has been widely recognized in the eady study Corporate sponsorship is a win-win investment business activity which is an in-depth resource for docking and cooperadon between the host and the sponsor.Enterprises sponsor a social activityor sporting events through cash,objects,manpower,technical and other ways to obtain the title,theorganizers,CO-designated products,rights and interests.And then they build a platform as a fulcrumto conduct a series of marketing campaigns.The aim is to achieve good social effects and economic efficiency,enhance corporate brand awareness and reputation and create good survival and development environment for enterprises.   ……



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