
出版时间:2009-7  出版社:中国科学技术大学出版社  作者:梁亚平 等 著  页数:217  


  教育部《大学英语课程教学要求》规定:大学英语课程以英语语言知识与应用技能、学习策略和跨文化交际为主要内容,其目标是培养学生的英语综合应用能力。改革后的大学英语四、六级考试,也侧重于考查学生的英语应用能力,提高了阅读理解的难度和阅读速度,以测试快速捕捉信息的水平。我们以此为依据,编写了《新目标大学英语泛读》。  本教材以凸显文化性为主要特色,注重选择了一些有关中西方文化、教育理念、学习策略以及科技、经济、社会生活等方面的文章。我们从普通高校非英语专业学生入学时英语水平的实际情况出发,同时紧扣大学英语四、六级考试新题型,设置了丰富多样的练习题,从内容到练习形式,都极力体现《大学英语课程教学要求》中有关大学英语泛读教学的指导理念,以期满足普通高校非英语专业大学生学习英语的需求。




Unit1 Information TechnologyUnit2 Classroom Teaching and LearningUnit3 Campus LifeUnit4 Western Customs and ConventionsUnit5 Western ValuesUnit6 SportsUnit7 Chinese Kung FuUnit8 Non-verbal CommunicationUnit9 Reading StrategiesUnit10 Chinese Traditional FestivalsUnit11 Teaching ModelsUnit12 Western and Chinese EducotionUnit13 Cooperative LearningUnit14 Strategies for Developing Writing SkillsUnit15 Chinese PhilosophiesKey


  Coope rative Learning in English Lessons—It ReallY Works!  Nofei—Arbel at Kibbutz Ginossar is an experimental school where I’vebeen teaching English for many years and I have been trying out alternativemethods for the teaching of languages.Three years ago,when I firstinitiated to apply cooperative learning techniques into my classes,it waswelcomed as a positive step in this direction.Since then,I have found thatCL(cooperative learning)not only develops the pupils’ability to read andwrite but,as the term suggests,it also enhances the pupils’social skills andacademic skills as well.In order to understand how CL can enhance pupils’learning,we haveto remember in mind that having the pupils sit in groups to work on a task isnot the same as forming CL groups.So,what is Cooperative Learning?Here is a quick reminder of what CL is all about.CL has its roots inSTAD which was developed by Slavin in the USA and was further developedby Sharan and Lazarowitz in Israel.It is important to mention that CL is aneclectic(兼收并蓄的)method which draws from different fields related toteaching,namely,sociology,linguistics,psychology and 80 on.Perhapshere lies its strength as CL combines the“Whole Language’’approach tolearning a language by which the holistic(全面的)elements are located inthe connections between the basic skills of the language and the needs of the1earner,i.e.the teacher uses the course bOok as well as other resources tocreate students’interest and motivation(动机).



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