
出版时间:2004-7  出版社:上海交通大学出版社  作者:吴玮翔 编  页数:238  字数:404000  


  全国大学英语专业八级考试(TEM-8)自上世纪90年代初开考以来,已历经十余个年头。期间,题型、难度几经变化,在发展中日臻成熟、完善。  2005年开始采用新的考试大纲和样题,把原来的考试时间压缩到185分钟,考试全部在上午举行。新大纲主要有以下一些主要变化:  1.听力客观题部分从原来的15题减为10题,删掉了原来的Section A Talk;同时考试时间从原来20分钟缩短为10分钟,意味着录音语速有所加快;听力主观题的Talk由原来700词增加到900词,考试时间压缩到15分钟。  2.阅读理解中删掉了原来的浏览扫描题;传统的阅读理解题由原来四篇短文15题增加到4-5篇短文20题,但时间没有增加。意味着对阅读速度要求的提高。  3.短文写作的字数从原来的300词增加到400,时间从原来的60分钟减少到45分。意味着写作速度和难度的同时提高。  4.增加了一种全新的客观题型:人文知识,以单项选择题形式命题;内容涵盖英语语言学基础、英美文学概略和主要英语国家的地理、历史、政治、经济、文化概况。意味着修改后的大纲更突出了英语专业的特色。  新大纲执行后,根据实际情况,听力中的.Mini-Lectlure的时间增加了5分钟。  至今,新大纲后的英语专业八级考试已考过四次,为帮助考生有针对性地复习准备这次考试,本次修订根据考生的要求对原版作了全面调整,不再按考试单项分章讲解,而是采用真题完整套题的形式集中讲解,以便于考生进行实战模拟训练。  修订后的全书收录4套全真题和4套模拟题。其中2005-2008年四套试题是新大纲后的全真题,四套模拟题在原真题的基础上根据新题型进行整合,删去了新题型中不再出现的听力演说和快速阅读理解题,增加了原来深度阅读理解的题量,并增加了人文知识部分。通过本书作者对这八套真题详细而独到的解析,旨为备考并通过专业八级考试的学生破译专业八级考试命题规律、揭示解题思路和应试策略,点拨技巧,传递真谛。




1 听力 1.1 历外真题 1.2 听力材料与答案2 改错 2.1 历外真题 2.2 讲解与答案3 阅读 3.1 历外真题 3.2 讲解与答案4 翻译 4.1 历外真题 4.2 讲解与答案5 写作 5.1 历外真题 5.2 参考范文6 新题型:人文知识 6.1 大纲要求及样题 6.2 人文知识考点


  PART I  LISTENING COMPREHENSION  SECTION A MINI-LECTURE  Good morning. Todays lecture will focus on how to make people feel at ease inconversations. I guess all of you sitting here can recall certain people who just seemed tomake you feel comfortable when theyre around. You spend an hour with them and feel as ifyou ve known them half your life. These people, who have that certain something thatmakes us feel comfortable, have something in common. And once we know what that is, wecan go about getting some of that "something" for ourselves.  How is it done? Here are some of the skills that good talkers have. If you follow theskills they will help you put people at their ease, make them feel secure and comfortable, andturn acquaintances into friends. First of all, good talkers ask questions. Almost anyone, nomatter how shy, will answer a question. In fact, according to my observation, very shypersons are often more willing to answer questions than extroverts. They are more concernedthat someone will think them impolite if they dont respond to the questions.  So, most skillful conversationalists recommend starting with a question that is personalbut not harmfuk For example, once a famous American TV-Presenter, got a long andfascinating interview from a notoriously private billionaire by asking him about his first job.Another example; one prominent woman executive, confesses that at business lunches, "Ialways ask people what they did that morning. " Its a dull question, but I gets things going.From there you can move on to other matters-sometimes to really personal questions.Moreover, how youll respond, and answers, will let you know how far you can go.  A few simple catch words like, "Really? Yes," are clear invitations to continue talking.Second, once good talkers have asked questions, they listen for answers. This point seemsobvious, but it isnt in fact. Making people feel comfortable, isnt simply a matter ofmaking idle conversation. Your questions have a point. Youre really asking, "What sort ofperson are you?" And to find out, you have to really listen.  There are at least three components of real listening:  For one thing, real listening means not changing the subject. If someone sticks to onetopic, you can assume that he or she is really interested in it. Another component of reallistening, is listening not just to words, but to tones of voice. I once mentioned D. H.Lawrence to a friend. To my astonishment, she launched into an academic discussion of the.






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