
出版时间:1999-10-1  出版社:化学工业出版社  作者:邬行彦,储炬,宫衡  页数:292  


  组织编审出版系列的专业英语教材,是许多院校多年来共同的愿望。在高等教育面向21世纪的改革中,学生基本素质和实际工作能力的培养受到了空前重视。对非英语专业的学生而言,英语水平和能力的培养不仅是文化素质的重要部分,在很大程度上也是能力的补充和延伸。在此背景下,教育部(原国家教委)几次组织会议研究加强外语教学I.-J题,并制定有关规范,使外语教学更加受到重视。教材是教学的基本要素之一,与基础英语相比,专业英语教学的教材I.——J题此时显得尤为突出。  国家主管部门的重视和广大院校的呼吁引起了化学工业出版社的


《生物工程/生物技术 专业英语》是根据《大学英语专业阅读阶段教学基本要求(试行)》而编写的,本书可供理工科院校生物工程专业、生物技术专业及相关专业学生使用,也可作为生物工程技术人员学习英语或其他科技人员了解生物工程的入门参考书。    本书共分9章,约10万词,内容选自两本著名的生物工程科普书,系统性强,覆盖生物工程的主要领域,包括:微生物生长和代谢的生物化学,诱变育种,基因重组,发酵,酶和固定化细胞技术,产品回收,检测仪表,动、植物细胞培养等。本书力求将英语与专业紧密结合,通过专业阅读提高英语基础及其应用能力。    本书的特色在于:1.对专业内容给出科普性质的注释以帮助阅读理解;2.结合课文给出注释或以习题形式介绍科技英语中常用的或易混淆的语法、词与词组的用法、句型等;3.附有详尽的词汇表并注有音标;4.习题量多,包括释义,辨义、造句、翻译和写作等,翻译习题取自课文,写作习题取自专业文献,重点在专业论文或摘要的常用表示方法。


Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 The nature of biotechnology 1.2 Historical evolution of biotechnology 1.3 Application of biotechnology 1.4 Growth in biotechnology 1.5 Strategic planning in biotechnology 1.6 SummaryChapter 2 Biochemistry of Growth Metabolism 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Catabolism and energy 2.3 Catabolic pathways 2.4 Gluconeogenesis 2.5 Energy metabolism in aerobic organisms 2.6 Energy production in anaerobic organisms 2.7 Anaerobic metabolism 2.8 Biosynthesis and growthChapter 3 Applied Genetics 3.1 Selection and screening 3.2 Culture maintenance 3.3 Mutagenesis 3.4 Sexual hybridization 3.5 Parasexual processes 3.6 Recombinant DNA technology 3.7 Regulation and control of recombinant DNA experimentation 3.8 SummaryChapter 4 Fermentation Technology 4.1 The nature of fermentation 4.2 Principles of microbial cultivation in aqueous systems 4.3 Bioreactor design 4.4 Media design 4.5 Instrumentation and process control in bioreactors 4.6 Measurement techniques 4.7 Mass and energy transfer 4.8 Scale_up 4.9 Solid substrate fermentation 4.10 SummaryChapter 5 Enzyme and Immobilized Cell Technology 5.1 The commercial role of isolated enzymes 5.2 Sources of enzymes 5.3 Production of enzymes 5.4 Enzyme legislation 5.5 Immobilized enzymes 5.6 Properties of immobilizde enzymes 5.7 Immobilization of cells 5.8 SummaryChapter 6 Downstream Processing in Biotechnology 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Separation of particles 6.3 Disintegration of cells 6.4 Extraction methods 6.5 Concentration methods 6.6 Purification and resolution of mixtures 6.7 DryingChapter 7 Instrumentation 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Terminology 7.3 Process control 7.4 Air flow moniroring 7.5 Measurements of power input 7.6 Temperature measurements 7.7 Rheological measurements 7.8 Foam control 7.9 pH probes 7.10 Redox probes 7.11 Dissolved oxygen probes 7.12 Enzyme probes 7.13 Gas analysis 7.14 Determination of cell concentrationChapter 8 Processes and Products Dependent on Cultured Animal Cells 8.1 Historical  8.2 Types of products which can be obtained from cultured animal cells 8.3 Overview of methodology for product generation 8.4 Monolayer cell growth systems 8.5 Doownstream processing 8.6 Genetically engineered animal cells and bacteriaChapter 9 Products from Plant Cells附录




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