
出版时间:2010-8  出版社:中国计量出版社  作者:程贵清,董江洪 主编  页数:272  


  四六级考试一直是中国内地规模最大的专项外语测试,是高校毕业生用以证明自身英语水平的有效凭证,也是毕业获取学位必须通过的一种考试,因此,每年两次的四六级考试都会引起广大学生的高度重视,但每次都有大批的失意者折戟而归,二进宫或三进山城者大有人在。怎样才能有效地备考,并顺利通过考试,如愿取得理想的成绩?这是本书编写的初衷和目的。  本书针对改革以后的新四六级,对各种题型包括阅读、听力、翻译和写作,都做了认真的分析和研究,归纳总结出了各自的特点和出题规律,提出了高效实用的解题方法和技巧,使广大考生能在短时间内熟悉和掌握,轻松面对考试,争取理想的分数。  为了快速领悟本书提出的方法和技巧,考生一定要仔细研读实战解析部分,体会技法在考试中的具体运用,并通过大量的实际演练,达到举一反三,熟练运用的效果。




第一部分 快速阅读 1-1 题型介绍 1-2 解题技巧 1-3 实战演练 第二部分 选词填空 2-1 题型介绍 2-2 解题技巧 2-3 实战演练 第三部分 阅读理解 3-1 题型介绍 3-2 解题技巧 3-3 实战演练 第四部分 完形填空 4-1 题型介绍 4-2 解题技巧 4-3 实战演练 第五部分 写作 5-1 题型介绍 5-2 解题技巧 5-3 实战演练 第六部分 翻译(汉译英) 6-1 题型介绍 6-2 解题技巧 6-3 实战演练 第七部分 听力 7-1 题型介绍 7-2 解题技巧 7-3 实战演练 


  Similar patterns exist throughout the U.S.By measuring the proportion of heavier hydrogen and oxygen isotopes along a strand of hair,scientists can construct a geographic timeline.Each inch of hair corresponds to about two months.  Cerlings team collected tap water samples from 600 cities and constructed a map of the regional differences. They checked the accuracy of the map by testing 200 hair samples collected from 65 barber shops.  They were able to accurately place the hair samples in broad regions roughly corresponding to the movement of raid systems.  “It’S not good for pinpointing(精确定位),”Cerling said.“It’s good for eliminating many possibilities.”  Todd Park,a 10cal detective said the method has helped him learn more about an unidentified woman whose skeleton was found near Great Salt Lake.  The woman was 5 feet tall.Police recovered 2 6 bones,a T-shirt and several strands of hair.  When Park heard about the research,he gave the hair samples to the researchers. Chemical testing showed that over the two years before her death,she moved about every two months.




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