
出版时间:2007-9  出版社:海洋出版社  作者:孙岩  页数:175  


China, representing one of the earliest civilizations in theworld, has a recorded history of 5,000 years. The Chinese created a brilliant culture in the past thousands of years. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, great changes have taken place, especially after 1978 when China began to carry out the policy of reform and opening up to the outside world.    Today China is playing an increasing role in the international affairs economically, politically and culturally and has attracted more and more attention worldwide. However, quite a few foreign people do not know China and the Chinese well enough to deal with their living environment in China and fully understand Chinese society, as well as Chinese people.    This book is designed to provide some necessary, basic and important information to foreigners who are interested in China,in particular, to foreign students who are studying or will study in China.    We sincerely hope that this book will help you to understand China and the Chinese well and will promote exchange and friendship between Chinese and people from various countries.


Quick FactsTerritory and Administrative DivisionsGeographic Features and ClimateNaturaI ResourcesNationalitiesPopulation and Family PlanningReligionHistoryEducationPoliticsForeign Policy and Policies Towards Hong Kong,Macao and TaiwanReform and Opening to the Outside WorldIntroduction to Provinces,Autonomous Regions and MunicipalitiesWorld Heritage Sites in China on UNESCO ListContact Addresses of China Universities Qualified to Admit Foreign Students Sponsored by ChineseGovemment




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