
出版时间:2012-8  出版社:中国旅游出版社  作者:姚宝荣,魏周 主编  页数:427  字数:350000  




第一部分 初为导游
第一单元 什么是导游员
第二单元 导游员的职业规范
第三单元 接团准备
第四单元 带团
第五单元 领导艺术
第六单元 突发问题处理(1)
第七单元 突发问题处理(2)
第二部分 导游程序
第一单元 接团
第二单元 沿途导游
第三单元 酒店住宿
第四单元 商谈日程
第五单元 食在中国
第六单元 购物
第七单元 娱乐
第八单元 送团
第九单元 处理投诉
第三部分 景点导游
第四部分 沿途讲解


版权页:   插图:   Master-of-nets Garden In Suzhou you can see many gardens.Most of them were built in the course of the last centuries by rich officials,merchants and landowners.Here great estate-owners enjoyed the advantages of city but still did not want to give up the country atmosphere.Merchants fulfilled their desire to own a plot of land in the country and were still within reach of the city's bustling activities.Historical sources revealed that during their heyday,the notable gardens in the city numbered 200.Villas of various sizes in the shape of different buildings,halls and pavilions stood in these gardens.They represented a small world of their own,in which all elements existing under the sun were supposed to be present.The builders tried their best to create a maximum number of landscapes within a limited space.The most important elements in the garden,as you are going to find out very soon,are ponds and mountains.Because Suzhou lies on the low ground,it is easy to install ponds.When you go to visit these gardens,you will frequently come across the so-called Taihu stones.They are bizarrely shaped rocks used singly or in piles to decorate the gardens.Taihu stones are of porous limestone,which usually come from the West Mountain Island in Taihu Lake.We simply throw the stones into the lake and have them exposed to water for several years.In this way,stones with bizarre shapes full of holes can be created.The gardens are supposed to reproduce a country as well as an urban atmosphere.Thus,pavilions,terraces,halls and towers are all parts of a typical Suzhou garden.You can also see bamboo plants,flowers and different kinds of trees.Usually the gardens are encircled by walls.In the inner walls there are moon-shaped and vase-shaped gates,polygonal openings and windows with imaginative latticework.Animals,mainly fish and song-birds,are also parts of the gardens.The gardens are supposed to create a poetic mood.Often they are the scene of the poets' competitions.So the builders not only had to be architects,but also painters and poets.Often,several people are engaged in the construction of one garden.In the past,many grounds were neglected during times of wars.Since the founding of new China,all efforts have been made to restore them.





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  •   还不错,一开始还以为是中文的结果是英文的
  •   书本质感很好。。。
  •   发货速度很快,书的内容很满意
  •   不是特别好,内容还算全面
  •   2013年的旅游英语课,是这本教材

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