
出版时间:2004-3  出版社:经济科学出版社  作者:兰德尔  页数:310  


  我们引进的《市场营销学原理》(第2版),由美国汤姆森学习出版集团授权经济科学出版社在我国独家出版。汤姆森学习出版集团是全球最大的教育出版集团之一,其出版的各个层次的教材深受美国及世界很多国家的读者欢迎。  《市场营销学原理》共十八章,具体包括导言、营销策略——让度顾客价值、电子商务与市场营销、营销环境与市场研究、顾客与消费者研究、市场信息、市场细分与目标市场、差异化与市场定位、产品与品牌策略、新产品开发、定价策略、营销沟通、派员销售、渠道策略、服务业营销、企业对企业的营销、国际市场营销、营销计划与整合营销。


Geoffrey Randall is an independent consultant specializing in helping companies improve their performance through marketing training and consultancy,he also works in management education.He runs in-house training courses for major companies and has wide teaching experience at various levels.He was head of the business school at the University of Greenwich and served on several national bodies in the field of business education as well as working in industry for ten years.He is author of five other books,including Trade Marking Strategies,Branding ,and with Andrew Seth ,The Grocers:The rise and rise of the supermarket chains.        


Figures in main textTables in main textPreface1 Introduction2 Marketing strategy: delivering customer value3 E-commerce and marketing4 Understanding environments and markets5 Understanding customers and consumers6 Marketing information7 Segmentation and targeting8 Differentiation and positioning9 Product policy and branding10 New product development11 Pricing12 Marketing communications13 Personal selling14 Distribution15 Marketing ofservices16 Business-to-business marketing17 Intemational marketing18 Putting it all together - marketing planningBibliographyIndex


书评This update second edition features: New sections on e-commerce,'new' marketing,marketing ethics,and technical developments such as data warehousing and data mining Updated and expanded referencesa to help the reader expore further  A new design and clear layout  Incorporation of learing objectives  Additional web material at www.thomsonlearning.co.uk   



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