
出版时间:2009-9  出版社:经济科学出版社  作者:王秀珍 编  页数:231  


  经过几年的快速发展,我国教育已进入高等教育大国的行列,按照党的十七大精神,向建设人力资源强国迈进。数以千万计的学生在各级、各类高等学校学习各种知识和培养能力,为成为社会主义的建设者和新时期的应用型人才而努力。高等教育从“精英化”到“大众化”的转变,除了数量的扩大外,必须在培养目标、教学内容、教学方法、教材等方面进行改革,以适应培养不同类型人才和不同类型高校的教学需要。  独立学院自开办以来,在教学各方面,特别是教材基本沿用了普通本科的教学资源,这给特色教育和定向教学带来了诸多不便,难以达到教委设定的教学目的。有鉴于此,我们在“服务于地方,培养应用型人才”这一总的目标指导下,组织了一批教学经验丰富、致力于教学改革研究、在相关课程方面有较深造诣的教师,按教育部的教育培养规划,编写了这套适合独立学院本科教学的系列教材,旨在有针对性地培养应用型高等学历人才,因此我们称这套教材为“普通高校应用型人才培养规划教材”。  我们编写这套教材的基本思想是:对基本原理、基本理论,重在结论和应用。理论部分遵循教学大纲,不求深入全面,但求适用,对相关理论做必要的引介。书中编列了较多的例子和习题,增加了学生自我训练、独立解题的素材,期望帮助学生加深对理论知识的理解和应用。我们力求这套丛书在内容结构上既区别于传统本科教材,又不同于高职高专教材。在理论知识方面既有一定的系统性,也兼顾了现代性;既注重知识间的逻辑性,也突出了知识的应用性;在够用、实用、适用的前提下,还编入一些有深度知识的链接,供要求进一步提高的学生自学之用。本套教材在文字上力求准确易懂,适当增加例图,有较好的可读性,便于学生自学。  由于我们的水平有限,书中难免出现一些问题,敬请各位教师和广大学生给予细心的指正和热情的帮助。在此,对于大力支持这套教材出版发行的经济科学出版社也一并表示真诚的感谢。


本教材内容可安排96学时,为期8周时间完成。具体做法是:每周12学时,其中视听6学时,视说4学时,语音2学时。该学时安排的框架在使用过程中可根据各校具体情况自行调整。    编写者均为视听、视说、语音课的任课教师,通过实践,他们积累了较丰富的经验。而本教材正是各位教师教学理念、教学方法、教学研究的集体结晶。


Unit One Greetings and Introduction Ⅰ.Preview Exercises Ⅱ.Wanning up Exercises Ⅲ.Listening Material Ⅳ.Additional Listening Material Ⅴ.Video-aural Material Ⅵ.Listening SkillsUnit Two Good Manners Ⅰ.Preview Exercises Ⅱ.Wanning up Exercises Ⅲ.Listening Material Ⅳ.Additional Listening Material Ⅴ.Video-aural Material Ⅵ.Listening SkillsUnit Three Confidence Ⅰ.Preview Exercises Ⅱ.Wanning up Exercises Ⅲ.Listening Material Ⅳ.Additional Listening Material Ⅴ.Video-aural Material Ⅵ.Listening SkillsUnit Four Gratitude Ⅰ.Preview Exercises Ⅱ.Wanning up Exercises Ⅲ.Listening Material Ⅳ.Additional Listening Material Ⅴ.Video-aural Material Ⅵ.Listening SkillsUnit Five College Life Ⅰ.Preview Exercises Ⅱ.Wanning up Exercises Ⅲ.Listening Material Ⅳ.Additional Listening Material Ⅴ.Video-aural Material Ⅵ.Listening SkillsUnit Six Networks Ⅰ.Preview Exercises Ⅱ.Wanning up Exercises Ⅲ.Listening Material Ⅳ.Additional Listening Material Ⅴ.Video-aural Material Ⅵ.Listening SkillsUnit Seven Western Festivals Ⅰ.Preview Exercises Ⅱ.Wanning up Exercises Ⅲ.Listening Material Ⅳ.Additional Listening Material Ⅴ.Video-aural Material Ⅵ.Listening SkillsUnit Eight Environmental Protection Ⅰ.Preview Exercises Ⅱ.Wanning up Exercises Ⅲ.Listening Material Ⅳ.Additional Listening Material Ⅴ.Video-aural Material Ⅵ.Listening SkillsUnit Nine The Olympic Games Ⅰ.Preview Exercises Ⅱ.Wanning up Exercises Ⅲ.Listening Material Ⅳ.Additional Listening Material Ⅴ.Video-aural Material Ⅵ.Listening SkillsUnit Ten Tuition Fees and Part-time JobsUnit Eleven EarthquakeUnit Twelve Shenzhou Ⅶ


  1. Background knowledge  What is confidence? What is the correct attitude toward confidence?  Confidence is a kind of feeling that you think you are capable of doing something successfully. It can make you optimistic and pleased. It may be a plus for you to enjoy doing things and enjoy your life. But confidence does not mean you are better than others in whatever aspects or wherever places, that is not confidence but craziness, which might bring a terrible hazard to the human society as well as to oneself.  As we all know, confidence is closely related to ones success. So many people tend to be very confident of themselves. But, sometimes too much confidence or blind confidence would lead you astray. If you want to be successful, the first thing you should do is to be confident of yourself by analyzing your strength and weakness respectively. Then you should know how to overcome your shortcomings by such ways as reasonable analysis, exposure to your friends to seek help, learning from or receiving others merits so as to make yourself even more confident. Are there any other ways to make you confident? Surely, there are. You can get to them through the listening practice.



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