
出版时间:1998-08  出版社:世界图书出版公司  作者:D.Rosenberg  


作   者:Duska Rosenberg,Chris Hutchison (Ed.)   页数:321页   出版社:世界图书出版公司   出版日期:1998    
主题词:数据处理(学科: 联机系统学科: 英文) 联机系统(学科: 数据处理学科: 英文)


List of Contributors
1 Introduction
D. Rosenberg and C. Hutchison
2 Computer Supported Cooperative Work:
A Framework
A. Dix
3 Capturing Interactions: Requirements for CSCW
D. fAurray and B. Hewitt
4 Situation Theory and the Design of Interactive
Infbrmation Systems
K. Devlin
5 Path. as of Language in Organizations: Implications
for CSCW
C. Hutchison
6 Coordination Issues in Tools for CSCW
R. Procter, A. McKinlay, R. Woodbum and
0. Masting
7 Software Engineering Design: A Paradigm Case of
Computer Supported Cooperative Working
C. Boldyreff
8 Where Are Designers? Styles of Design Practice
Objects of Oesign and Views of Users in CSCW
M. Hales
9 Coping with Complexity and Interference: Design
Issues in Multimedia Conferencing Systems
M.A. Sasse, M.J. Handley and N.M. Ismail
10 The Role of Replication in the Development of
Remote CSCW Systems
S. Scrivener, S. Clark and N. Keen
11 Computer Supported Conflict Management in
Design Teams
M. Klein
12 ShareLib: A Toolkit for CSCW Applications
Programming Using X Windows
M. Winnett, R. Malyan and P. Bamwell
13 Adapting a Design History Editor for Concurrent
D. Jenkins
14 "Nouvelle Design": A Pragmatic Approach to CSCW
Systems Building
P.T. Hughes, M.E. Morris and T.A. Plant
Subject Index
Name Index



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