
出版时间:2002-7  出版社:世界图书出版公司北京公司  作者:David K.Ferry  页数:512  


  This book has grown out of our somewhat disorganized attempts to teach the physics and electronics of mesoscopic devices over the past decade. Fortunately, these have evolved into a more consistent approach, and the book tryies to balance experiments and theory in the current understanding of mesoscopic physics. Whenever possible, we attempt to first introduce the important experimental results in this field followed by the relevant theoretical approaches.The focus of the book is on electronic transport in nanostructure systems, and therefore by necessity we have omitted many important aspects of nanostructures such as their optical properties, or details of nanostructure fabrication. Due to length considerations,many germane topics related to transport itself have not received full coverage, or have been referred to by reference. Also, due to enormity of the literature related to this field, we have not included an exhavstive bibiography of nanostructure transport. Rather, we have tried to refer the interested reader to comprehensive review articles and book chapters when possible.


PrefaceAcknowledgements1 Introduction 1.1 Nanostructures:The impact 1.2 Mesoscopic observables in nanostructures 1.3 Space and time scales 1.4 An introduction to the subsequent chapters 1.5 What is omitted2 Quantum confined systems 2.1 Nanostrue materials 2.2 Quantization in herojunction system 2.3 Lateral confinement:Quantum wires and quantum dots 2.4 Electronic states in quantum wires and quantum dots 2.5 Magnetic field effects in quantum confined systems 2.6 Screening and collective excitations in low-dimensional systems 2.7 Homogeneous transport in low-dimensional systems3 Transmission in nanostructures 3.1 Tunneling in planar barrier structures 3.2 Wavefunction treatment of tunneling 3.3 Current in resonant tuueling diodes 3.4 Landauer formula 3.5 The multi-channel case 3.6 Quantized conductance in nanostructures 3.7 Transport in quantum waveguied structures 3.8 Lattice Green's function method 3.9 Multi-probe formula 3.10 Magnetic fields and quantum waveguides4 Quantum dots and single electron phenomena5 Interference in diffusive transport6 Temperature decay of fluctuations7 Nonequilibrium transport and nanodevicesIndex




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用户评论 (总计7条)


  •   名家的书,研究量子输运的好书,ferry的其它几本也不错。
  •   这本书很值得推荐,逻辑清晰,作者用自己的思维很好地联系了散射矩阵、格林函数、透射函数等介观物理中的重要概念。书中简明地使用了二次量子化,使一些概念更明确。
  •   纸质量差了点,字太小啊。但书还是好书啊
  •   虽然年代久远,但是确实是经典啊。
  •   印刷比较清晰!书很不错
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  •   很好的一本基础理论的书

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