
出版时间:2006-1  出版社:世界图书出版公司(此信息作废)  作者:梅赫塔  页数:688  


  这是一本名著,初版于1968年,1991年出了第2版,著名的Elsevier出版公司于2004年出版了第3版。一部专著,在出版36年后仍继续再版,这并不常见。可以肯定地说,这是关于随机矩阵研究领域最好的专著。事实上,著名的网上书店——Amazon关于本书第2版的销售情况,以及读者的反馈意见,都印证了这一点。第3版又增加了许多新内容,涉及近十年来关于随机矩阵最新的研究成果。  本书系统而详细地论述了随机矩阵的解析方法。全书共27章,52个附录,与第2版相比,第3版新增近五分之一的篇幅,其中包括新增6章内容和12个附录。本书有如下特点:(1)包含许多新的研究结果;(2)引入斜正交多项式、双正交多项式及其应用;(3)介绍了Fredholm行列式和Painleve方程的关系;(4)详细论述了三种高斯系综(么正系综,正交系综和辛系综),n-点关联函数;(5)介绍了Fredholm行列式和反散射理论的关系;(6)介绍了随机行列式的概率密度。




Preface to the Third Edition Preface to the Second Edition Preface to the First Edition Chapter 1. Introduction. Chapter 2. Gaussian Ensembles. The Joint Probability Density Function for the Matrix Elements Chapter 3. Gaussian Ensembles. The Joint Probability Density Function for the Eigenvalues Chapter 4. Gaussian Ensembles Level Density Chapter 5. Orthogonal, Skew-Orthogonal and Bi-Orthogonal Polynomials Chapter 6. Gaussian Unitary Ensemble Chapter 7. Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble Chapter 8. Gaussian Symplectic Ensemble Chapter 9. Gaussian Ensembles: Brownian Motion Model Chapter 10. Circular Ensembles Chapter 11. Circular Ensembles (Continued) Chapter 12. Circular Ensembles. Thermodynamics.. Chapter 13. Gaussian Ensemble of Anti-Symmetric Hermitian Matrices Chapter 14. A Gaussian Ensemble of Hermitian Matrices With Unequal Real and Imaginary Parts Chapter 15. Matrices With Gaussian Element Densities But With No Unitary or Hermitian Conditions Imposed Chapter 16. Statistical Analysis of a Level-Sequence Chapter 17. Selberg‘s Integral and Its Consequences Chapter 18. Asymptotic Behaviour of Eβ(0,s) by Inverse ScatteringChapter 19. Matrix Ensembles and Classical Orthogonal PolynomialsChapter 20. Level Spacing Functions Eβ(r,s); Inter-relations and Power Series ExpansionsChapter 21. Fredholm Determinants and Painleve EquationsChapter 22. Moments of the Characteristic Polynomial in the Three Ensembles of Random MatricesChapter 23. Hermitian Matrices Coupled in a ChainChapter24. GaussianEnsembles.EdgeoftheSpectrumChapter 25. Random Permutations, Circular Unitary Ensemble (CUE) and Gaussian Unitary Ensemble (GUE)Chapter 26. Probability Densities of the Determinants; Gaussian EnsemblesChapter 27. Restricted Trace EnsemblesAppendicesNotesReferencesAuthor IndexSubject Index




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