
出版时间:2008-3  出版社:世界图书出版公司  作者:罗威利  页数:455  


This book is about only one approach to the subject - loop quantum gravity. It is a subject of considerable technical difficulty, and the literature devoted to it is a formidable one. This feature alone has hindered the cross-fertilization which is, as delineated above, so essential for progress. However, within these pages one will find a much more accessible description of the subject, put forward by one of its leading architects and deepest thinkers. The existence of such a fine book will allow this important subject, quite likely to contribute significantly to the unknown ultimate theory, to be assimilated by a much larger community of the-orists. If this does indeed come to pass, its publication will become one of the most important developments in this very active subfield since its onset.


作者:(意大利)罗威利(Carlo Rovelli)


Foreword, by James Bjorken . Preface Acknowledgements Terminology and notation Part Ⅰ Relativistic foundations  1 General ideas and heuristic picture   1.1 The problem of quantum gravity   1.2 Loop quantum gravity   1.3 Conceptual issues  2 General Relativity   2.1 Formalism   2.2 The conceptual path to the theory   2.3 Interpretation   2.4 Complements  3 Mechanics  3.1 Nonrelativistic mechanics: mechanics is about time evolution    3.2 Relativistic mechanics    3.3 Field theory    3.4 Thermal time hypothesis 4 Hamiltonian general relativity    4.1 Einstein-Hamilton-Jacobi    4.2 Euclidean GR and real connection    4.3 Hamiltonian GR 5 Quantum mechanics    5.1 Nonrelativistic QM    5.2 Relativistic QM    5.3 Quantum field theory    5.4 Quantum gravity    5.5 Complements    5.6 Relational interpretation of quantum theoryPart Ⅱ  Loop quantum gravity 6 Quantum space 7 Dynamics and matter 8 Applications 9 Quantum spacetime: spinfoams 10 ConclusionPart Ⅲ AppendicesAppendxi A Groups and recoupling theoryReferenceIndex


《量子引力》由世界图书出版公司出版。Quantum gravity poses the problem of merging quantum mechanics and general relativity, the two great conceptual revolutions in the physics of the twentieth century. The loop and spinfoam approach, presented in this book, is one of the leading research programs in the field. The first part of the book discusses the reformulation of the basis of classical and quantum Hamiltonian physics required by general relativity. The second part covers the basic technical research directions. Appendices include a detailed history of the subject of quantum gravity, hard-to-find mathematical material, and a discussion of some philosophical issues raised by the subject. This fascinating text is ideal for graduate students entering the field, as well as researchers already working in quantum gravity. It will also appeal to philosophers and other scholars interested in the nature of space and time.




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用户评论 (总计12条)


  •   这本书很有深度,但很有趣
  •   这种巨著……还是英文的……学完我就成仙了~~
  •   天才制作!
  •   外国货就是不一样。中国人二十年内是写不出这样的书的。可能确实跟智商有关。
  •   思想+物理
  •   这次买的几本书,《量子引力》有霉味,《大设计》有脚印,实在是。不退货了,自己退出。
  •   非常有深度的书籍;他最强调的观点就是相对主义或者关系主义的观念的重要性,为了贯彻这一观念,rovelli勇敢地重构了经典物理和量子物理,非常精彩!量子引力本身是非常数学化的领域,人们更多的是讨论数学结构的自洽性,却忽略物理的讨论(当然也许是因为这个问题更加困难,而尚没有正确理解),但本书花了大篇幅讨论物理原理。值得推荐给所有对物理学特别是对时空理论感兴趣的人
  •   不过不推荐对相关内容感兴趣的人看,一是比较专业,二是国际上一些专家对本书作者有一些非议,认为有走火入魔之嫌
  •   作者是这方面的专家
  •   买的第一本书,还没看不过大致翻翻感觉超级喜欢
  •   内容非常好,作者是这方面的共同奠基人,所以非常权威,至于纸张其实没那么差,估计是因为出版社减少成本,其实也难免,这些图书引进费用是很贵的,尤其在国外售价不便宜,所以就别抱怨了
  •   目前关于量子引力论的研究,都有点入魔的。象超弦、圈量子论等,都在证明上帝是宇宙的制造者。所以,对科学与宗教有兴趣者,都应该看看这本书。看不懂没关系,因为全世界也没人敢说自己懂得量子引力的。

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