
出版时间:2009-1  出版社:中国国际广播出版社  作者:刘永科  页数:344  




1.Clever Black Hens2.A Good Deed3.The Teacher's Notation4.Heat and Cold5.It Doesn't Matter6.Dead or Alive?7.Wonderful Science8.The Weight9.God Said10.A Parrot11.Horrible Stories12.The Pot Died13.They Are in My Hand14.He's Broken My Toy15.The Third Chicken16.My Father Is Speaking17.Yes,  Sir18.The Excuse19.Say That to Herself20.A Liar21.A Good Child22.The Professor's Lunch23.How Old Are You?24.The Only Cake25.The Lost Ring26.Who Knows?27.The Exact Length28.Stick the Stamp on Yourself29.An Umbrella30.Are Flies Good to Eat?31.Was It a Horse?  32.The Best and the Poorest33.Six Answers to One Problem34.The Look of the Letter G35.The Location of the Nile36.Did You Put Out the Light?37.It's Because 38.Do You Know Music?39.Heavier40.He Didn't Help Me41.Six and Four Are 42.A Polite Boy43.5-2=?44.What Did I Do in School Today?45.The Queerest Thing46.She Understands47.The Barber's Explanation48.No Wonder49.Just Helpless50.Buying Bread51.Pleased to Meet You52.An Absent-minded Professor53.But You Have Got One54.Why Was He Angry?55.I'd Look Even Sillier56.The Same57.I, You and She……


193. The Sheep and the MoneyOnce a king said to his minister(大臣),“You must try tohave two thousand sheep sold in the market and bring back allthe sheep and the money you get.Do remember to bring back allthe sheep!”Although the minister(大臣)promised,he was at a loss(不知所措).He said to himself,“Ifthe sheep are sold 1 wouldnot be able to bring back the sheep.If I bring the sheep back.1would not be able to give the king the money.”He thought harder and had an idea.The next evening,theminister came back from the market to see the king with the non-ey and all the sheep.The king was very satisfied.Now,do you know what was the clever idea of the minister?In fact,the minister drove the sheep to the market,thenhe had the wool(羊毛)out from the sheep.He sold the woolin his market.After that he came back with the money and allhis sheep.How did the minister get the money without selling the sheep?A.He stole some.B.He sold only some sheepC.He sold the wool of the sheep.D.He skinned(剥…皮)the sheep and sold their fur(毛皮).



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