DL/T 5372-2007 水电水利工程金属结构与机电设备安装安全技术规程

出版时间:2009-9  出版社:中国电力出版社  作者:中华人民共和国国家发展和改革委员会  页数:208  字数:176000  


  本标准规定了水电水利工程现场金属结构制作、安装及水轮发电机组和电气设备的安装的安全技术要求。  本标准适用于大中型水电水利工程现场金属结构制作、安装和水轮发电机组及电气设备安装工程的安全技术管理、安全防护与安全施工。水型水电水利工程现场金属结构制作、安装和水轮发电机组及电气设备的安装工程可参照执行。


Foreword1  Scope2  Normative References3  Terms4  General5  General Provisions6  Fabrication of Metal Structures7  Installation of Gates8  Installation of Headstock Gears9  Installation of Ship Lift10  Installation of Steel Pipes for Water Diversion11  Installation of Other Metal Structures12  Scaffold and Platform for Construction13  Metallic Painting for Anti-corrosion14  Installation of Hydraulic Turbine15  Installation of Generator16  Installation of Auxiliary Equipments17  Installation of Electric Equipments18  Startup and Commissioning of Hydroelectric Generating Unit19  Installation of Bridge Crane20  Construction Machines and Special Tools


5. To operate the open-type automatic air breaker, knife switchand tubular fuse manually, insulating gloves, insulating bars and otherinsulating tools shall be used.6. To remove electric devices, the power supply shall be cut offfirst before exposed parts of conductive wires are well wrapped,insulated and marked.7. After installation of the power supply system for construction,a complete system of diagrams, layouts and distribution drawingsshall be available. The power supply system shall not be put into usewithout inspection and acceptance. Professional shift or team shallbe assigned to take charge of power operation and maintenance.Other staff shall not change the power supply facilities withoutpermission.8. The power supply facilities for construction on site shall bemaintained frequently and inspected once before the rain seasonevery year as well as measured for insulation resistance.9. To introduce power, monitor shall be provided.10. Safety appliances for electrician shall be comply withrequirements of relevant technical standards and checked regularly.11. The power supply lines shall be erected and laid, thetransformer substation for construction shall be designed for location,structure and distribution and the transformer, accessory eqm'pmentand electric lines shall be installed and maintained in compliance withrelevant regulations of DIdT 5370.12. Electric equipment and facilities of 127 V and above shall begrounded or zero terminated.


《DL/T 5372-2007 水电水利工程金属结构与机电设备安装安全技术规程(英文版)》由中国电力出版社出版。



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