
出版时间:2009-5  出版社:水利水电出版社  作者:满春玲 主编  页数:194  


如何有效提高英文写作素养?本书以《新概念英语》教材为主线,帮助学习者一边学习教材中的语言知识点,一边通过内容丰富的写作练习,将语言转化为相应的写作技能。  全书共分成36个单元,针对学习者英文写作基本功的训练,书中主要设计了“单词拼写练习”、“组词造句练习”、“翻译写作练习”和“看图思维练习”等多种形式的基本训练,帮助学习者循序渐进地扫除英文写作障碍。  本书主要适合于中考、PETS二级、PETS三级考生及同等水平的英语学习者提高写作技能。


致学习者应试英文写作黄金法则第1课(针对课文Lesson 1~3)第2课(针对课文Lesson4~6)第3课(针对课文Lesson 7~9)第4课(针对课文Lesson 10~12)第5课(针对课文Lesson 13~15)第6课(针对课文Lesson 16~18)第7课(针对课文Lesson 19~21)第8课(针对课文Lesson 22~24)第9课(针对课文Lesson 25~27)第10课(针对课文Lesson 28~30)第11课(针对课文Lesson 31~33)第12课(针对课文Lesson 34~36)第13课(针对课文Lesson 37~39)第14课(针对课文Lesson40~42)第15课(针对课文Lesson43~45)第16课(针对课文Lesson46~48)第17课(针对课文Lesson49~51)第18课(针对课文Lesson 52~54)第19课(针对课文Lesson 55~57)第20课(针对课文Lesson 58~60)第21课(针对课文Lesson 61~63)第22课(针对课文Lesson 64~66)第23课(针对课文Lesson 67~69)第24课(针对课文Lesson 70~72)第25课(针对课文Lesson 73~74)第26课(针对课文Lesson 75~76)第27课(针对课文Lesson 77~78)第28课(针对课文Lesson 79~80)第29课(针对课文Lesson 81~82)第30课(针对课文Lesson 83~84)第31课(针对课文Lesson 85~86)第32课(针对课文Lesson 87~88)第33课(针对课文Lesson 89~90)第34课(针对课文Lesson 91~92)第35课(针对课文Lesson 93~94)第36课(针对课文Lesson 95~96)


  In 2050, do you know what I will be? I will be a teacher of Chinese in America. I will teachthe Americans to speak good Chinese. But I dont go to school. How do I teach my studentschinese? I will teach them on the computer. And they will come to my website and study with me.I am a teacher at that time. But Im still a student. I will go to my English teachers website andstudy English.  In 2050, no one likes to eat meat. They like drinks. They only drink and dont feel hungry.  In 2050, everyone has different kinds of lovely pet animals. Their masters love them verymuch.  In 2050, all the people like going shopping. But they are not window-shopping. They buy thethings from the computer. And the sellers will mail the things to their home.  In 2050, one likes going out by bike, car, taxi or motorbike, because they have a special pair ofshoes. The shoes can make them fly to wherever they want to go. The shoes are the best. It canmake the world very clean. Do you know who created them? It was me.  In 2050, all the people go to outer space. They will find a new place and like to live there. Itssuitable for the people. How do they live? Dont they need oxygen? Yes, they do. But they gulp apill in outer space and they dont breathe. Do you know who the creator is? Its me.  In 2050, there are many dinosaurs in the world. They are very kind to human beings and theother animals. Some of them fly, some of them walk and some of them swim. How do they revive?Aha. I cloned them.  In 2050, you can see many robots wherever you are. They can clean the windows of a bigbuilding, its very easy for the robots.  This is 2050. It will be a good time for everyone. Now lets look forward to the coming of it.





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用户评论 (总计10条)


  •   作为新概念的补充很不错,尤其适合真心想提高基础写作能力的人。
  •   发货和到货速度很快,包装、质量好
  •   从句型到作文都有非常详细的练习,还不错.
  •   配着教材使用很不错
  •   从基础词汇开始,一步步复习,再到作文,很有层次,很好。只是快递太慢了,23号买的书,30号才给送,放在快递手里,总说没时间送,服务不太好
  •   内容不错,很感兴趣。
  •   不错。内有有单词拼写练习;词组造句练习;语法句型练习;联想造句练习;翻译写作练习;看图思维练习;还有佳作欣赏部分。
  •   整体设计不错,从各个方面提高学生的写作能力,非常基础而且呈递进式,可惜没有参考答案,如果是学生自己购买使用的话,用途就不大了,需要教师及时批阅和指导。
  •   不错的基础练习 给孩子准备的
  •   很一般,没有介绍的那么好。

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