新概念英语 4 精彩美文同步阅读

出版时间:2010-3  出版社:水利水电出版社  作者:宋德伟 等编著  页数:252  




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  In the old days, children were familiar with birth and death as part of life. This is perhapsthe first generation of American youngsters who have never been close by during the birth ofa baby and have never experienced the death of a family member.  Nowadays when people grow old, we often send them to nursing homes. When they getsick, we transfer them to a hospital; where children are forbidden to visit terminally illpatients————-even when those patients are their parents. This deprives the dying patient of"significant family members during the last few days of his life and it deprives the children ofian experience of death, which is an important learning experience,Some of my colleagues and I once interviewed" and followed approximately 500:terminally ill patients in order to find out what they could teach us and how we could be of,more benefit, not just to them but to the members of their families as well. We were mostimpressed by the fact that even those patients who were not told of their serious illness werequite aware of its potential outcome.  It is important for family members, and doctors and nurses to understand these patientscommunications in order to truly understand their needs, fears, and fantasies. Most of ourpatients welcomed another human being with whom they could talk openly, honestly, andfrankly about their trouble. Many of them shared with us their tremendous need to beinformed, to be kept up-to-date on their medical condition and to be told when the end wasnear. We found out that patients who had been dealt with openly and frankly were better ableto cope with the approach of death and finally to reach a true stage of acceptance prior todeath.





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