
出版时间:2002-10  出版社:五洲传播出版社  作者:老杜 绘  页数:197  


In half a century,China has extrordinary a chievements.Its economic developent-an example for the world.may cause envy in other countries .It is ganing in the battle against poverty.ittiters each year and is caughi\t in problems connected to modernisation,urbanisation,transportation,communications,energy,potable water ,and pollution,It must still improve  education,and develop secience and technologies .But things progress ,and one and see and fell the changes day after day;it is one of the main reasons why I like to live in China.    In a country that has carried out so much in only a few yearsw,one can only be optimistic , And oiptimism is a luxury today that many developed countries cannot allow themseves.


作者:(加拿大)李莎(Cardcci,L.) 插图作者:老社


IntroductionThe Daily Life of a Foreign Expert  Housing  Transportation  Pirvileges  Festivities  Feeling a Little Less Foreign  Identity:Lao WaiLanguage and Communication  It was Chinese for Me  Communication  Languge and ulture  Pinying and Translation  Waiyu=EnglishCultural Differences  A Question of Mental Attitude  A New Inter-culture  In the Same Basket  Adaptation-What Confusion!Studies and work  Education  Education:A Market  Study:Ahuman Right  EmploymentChina in MotionNew ConceptsAround the CountryOpening New Eyes on ChinaVariety of Chinese CultureConclusion


中国在半个世纪的时间里取得了非凡的成就,她的发展足以令许多国家羡慕。她取得了对贫困、文盲、疾病、儿童高死亡率现象斗争的胜利。如今,她还需要同自然灾害作斗争,解决城市建设、交通、通讯、能源、饮用水和污染等诸多问题,还要发展教育、科学和技术。    对一个用那么短的时间取得了那么大成就的国家,我们当然充满了乐观。如今,这种乐观是很多发达国家可望而不可即的奢侈品。    《像世界一样大》英文版由李莎所编。



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