
出版时间:2006-8  出版社:五洲传播  作者:陈潇  页数:127  


In this open and diversified age,Chinese people's love, marriaqe and families come in various forms.Some of them follow the old traditions,while others have a more modern style.When faced with social changes,some people are confused.But no matter how much society changes,there is no doubt that people will always strive for the perfect love and a happy family.


Love in the New CenturyModern Dating MethodsLove across the Boundaries of Time and SpaceA Short-lived Passionate Affair or Everlasting Love?Hold on to LoveMarriage:A Fortress without DefenseThe Marriage EquationFree TogetherFlash MarriageChanges to Weddings in the Last 50 YearsWedding BellsChinese-style DivorceReasons for DivorcePeaceful DivorceThe Mendable MarriageSex and HappinessGetting on the Right TrackCohabitation and HappinessSex in Marriage.Sex that Goes Against the Sense of ProprietyHomosexualitySmaller FamiliesNuclear FamiliesDINK FamiliesEmpty Nest FamiliesWeekend CouplesSingle-child Families



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