
出版时间:2012-8  出版社:五洲传播出版社  作者:张荣臣  页数:102  字数:100000  译者:王平兴  




1  Organizational Building and Structure of the Party
Organizational building of the Party
Organizational structure of the Party
2 Functio of the Party Organizatio and Their Operatio
The Party's leadehip system and working mechanism
Functio of Party organizatio at various levels
Internal operatio of Party organizatio at all levels
3 Fundamental Organizational Principle and Ititutio of the Party
Democratic centralism: fundamental organizational principle for
the Party
Operation of democratic centralism in the Party's internal life
Adhere to and improve democratic centralism
Strengthen the Party's solidarity and unity
4 The System of Party Congresses
Basic facts about Party congresses
Improve the system of Party congresses
5 The Electoral System
Principles for intra-Party electio
Forms of intra-Party electio
Procedures for intra-Party electio
6 The Cadre System
Building of the Party's ranks of cadres
The Party's selection of cadres
Reform of the work of selecting and appointing cadres
7 The System of Intra-Party Life
Regular cell meetings for Party membe
Party cadres' meetings for criticism and self-criticism
Dual meetings for leading Party cadres
8 Organizational Building of the Party from a New Starting Point
Place power, Party affai, and Party membe under ititutional
Build high-caliber ranks of cadres
Reform and improve the Party's leadehip system and working
Strengthen the building of primary Party organizatio and the
ranks of Party membe
Develop intra-Party democracy and enhance intra-Party supervision



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